Cristina Tosio answers the interview quickly and without hesitation as she walks briskly through Madrid. She has lived in Eivissa for a couple of years, but she adds to the hectic pace of the capital with the verve of someone who is very used to working from one place to another. She still hasn’t quite tuned in to the slower cadence of the islands.

“I should change the rhythm, but since I am in a lot of things, I have hours to enjoy the island calm. I don’t stop, I set myself too many goals and, in the end, I spend many hours at home working. Although I’m looking forward to it. Some day. But when you decide to disconnect for a while in Eivissa it’s wonderful, having breakfast next to the sea, the hammock, nature… Little moments and you’re in heaven”.

Cristina Tosio creates a playlist for the Magazine with the best indie, rock, techno

What is music for you?

A tool to change the mood and a mood in itself. More festive, more melancholic… Give a lot of life to any situation and make it special.

Perfume shares a language with music: chords, notes, compositions… What else do they have in common?

Both surround you and can express feelings and a lot of things. They are evocative and allow you to take your mind to another place, to a memory, to an experience. They provoke instant emotions, allow moments to be relived, induce a state of relaxation or pleasure….

Does the perfume change a lot, because of the mood?

It’s funny, but, for a long time, the perfume of 80% of my days is This is Her!, by Zadig

What was the first thing that came to your mind when they told you about DJing for Zadig?

Indie, rock, techno… Then I gave it a less festive twist: I want people to dance and have a good time.

What do you have to have to be a good dj, apart from vibes?

A good musical selection, cabin attitude and good mixes. I like to create a story with a development, not just put songs. Propose a trip. But, above all, you have to have good music: without it you can have wonderful technique, but you’re not going anywhere.

Three artists that fit with that indie techno rock touch and that inspire you…

Rebolledo, which is the best, Damon Jee and Darlyn Vlys.

Do you share a playlist with your partner, Álvaro Torralba, who is also a DJ?

When we jam (improvisations) at home with friends we change songs, yes. Music is there to share it, not to hide it.

Any quiet favorites on the island of electronics?

Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynyrd… 


The last thing a dj wants is to hear the “Boom, boom, boom” after leaving work. Maybe some electronics, but more down tempo, calmer… Chill with some beat. I prefer that to rock, but in my house there is a lot of rock playing, like Chuck Berry, because my partner and our son love it. I like quiet rock, I can’t stand hard rock. I don’t like loud music, I like it super clean.

Model, DJ, jewelry and boots designer… What are you most proud of?

Of the whole and of evolution. And that everything is still intertwined in some way. Not only do I not deny the past, but I continue to feed it and nourish myself from it. My thing is to continue building a bigger and bigger castle starting from the bottom. And that everything is beautiful, that everything is connected and that nothing is left behind. One day you do a fashion campaign, one night you DJ here and there… I can walk around the whole castle because all the doors are open. And I can even make another floor. Why not?

Future in sight?

Now I’m into producing music. And I would like to do advertising campaigns for luxury brands. Give me a briefing and create the music.

Do you already have your own songs?

Yes, but I have not made them on request. And I would like. Express a message through music.

Any value that you want to instill in your son Bosco?

Always be a gentleman. May he respect all the people who cross his path. Education. be a lord

What sets the pace of fashion today?

I couldn’t tell you why everything is going so fast… I think fashion should slow down. There is excessive information overload.