Overcoming after having gone through a surgical process is increasingly favorable thanks to scientific advances. In fact, the latest advances in robotic surgery improve the recovery of patients, according to the verifications of the Hospital Quirónsalud Tenerife applied to the branch of Urology. However, the postoperative period will always depend on the type of operation in question. In the case of a spinal intervention, this is possible thanks to the cooperation of medical professionals specialized in traumatology and physical therapists.

The nature of the intervention and the pathology to be corrected will determine the degree of complexity involved in recovery. Although minimally invasive spine techniques are becoming more common, which facilitate a simpler and faster post-operative period. However, in general, a series of common considerations must be taken into account so that this recovery occurs in the best possible way.

One of the first commandments after having undergone a spinal intervention is not to lift weight. This is essential so as not to harm or damage this part of the body, which is in a particularly weak and vulnerable state. For the same reason, you should not make forced or sudden movements either. Each postural gesture must be done gently and carefully, otherwise considerable complications could occur.

The recovery process from surgery of this nature requires a large dose of patience. It will not be possible to return to the pre-operative way of life immediately. It is a progressive process that must be respected in order to obtain the best results. So the return to daily activities must be done gradually. Although the medical staff will specifically inform about each of them, some, such as driving, will require a longer rest time before being resumed. Generally, at least four weeks.

Walking is among some of the positive actions that can be undertaken to promote proper recovery of the spine. Always with the approval of the specialist doctor. Taking small walks, on flat and safe ground, is very beneficial to overcome the surgery. Of course, scalars should always be avoided.

Not maintaining the same posture is another important detail. It is recommended to vary the position of the body from time to time, but always while it remains relaxed and not in a forced way. It is convenient to listen and follow the recommendations of doctors and physiotherapists in this regard. In relation to the latter, it will also be key to perform the exercises that have been prescribed by these professionals, since they will promote mobility and recovery in the area.