* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia we present today the Neptune Fountain (Manresa), in neoclassical style, built in 1802 next to the Pont Nou.

This fountain was built at a strategic point, since the royal road to Lleida passed through here. The muleteers stopped to water the horses.

It was so important that the fountain was inaugurated on March 13, 1802 by the king himself, in this case, Carlos IV. It was built for the cavalries that arrived in the city to drink, as well as those that began their journey.

Despite its historical significance, over time it had deteriorated to near ruin. Finally, the year 2007 was restored.

It is a fountain with a trapezoidal plan, made of stone, and with a clearly classical line. Two parts can be distinguished: a first body, which culminates in a jagged frieze and a cornice, and a second, truncated pyramidal-shaped body, crowned by a very deteriorated sculpture.

The monument, protected as a Cultural Asset of Local Interest, presents decoration on three of its faces, one main and two sides, while the back is completely smooth.