Javier García Obregón has become the only “spokesperson” available for the Obregón family, after all his brothers have turned tail with the arrival of Holy Week and the start of the holidays, leaving him as the only member to commenting on the exclusive sound of her sister Ana in the magazine ¡Hola!, in which she confesses to being the grandmother of little Ana Sandra.

With Celia García Obregón, whom the media had been chasing to get statements, in Mallorca; It was Javier García Obregón who stood, albeit with reservations, in front of the microphones of the reporters of El programa de Ana Rosa, assuring that he would go to Miami to meet little Ana.

A trip that no one knows when will take place, but as Javier himself has assured, it will not be immediately, since his sister would have informed him that these first days he prefers to rest and be alone.

The biologist’s brother, accompanied by his wife, also assured that he had seen the little girl and that she was “beautiful.” However, he did not want to comment on the method chosen by her sister to bring the baby into the world, which, as everyone knows, she used a surrogate for the pregnancy of little Anita.

He also did not want to add anything about Alessandro Lequio’s disagreement about this assisted reproduction technique, illegal in Spain -but not in Miami (USA), where the baby was born on March 20.

“I can only say about him that I have great affection for him,” he assured, sincerely, trying to leave the controversies behind, especially after Alessandro Lequio stated that he “did not know some things” about the process that the mother of his son had filled.

While Javier García Obregón continues with his plans to visit his sister in the United States, the actress remains very aware of everything that is said about her new motherhood both in Spain and in the rest of the world, even sharing some headlines in her social networks.

Turned into the center of today, the actress gave another headline on Wednesday afternoon that undoubtedly made two things clear: first, that she intends to continue fulfilling her son’s will; and second, that she will do it regardless of whoever weighs on her.

Proof of this was his message to María Patiño directly to Sálvame, in which he expressed a clear declaration of intent, incidentally denying the information from Kiko Matamoros, which pointed out that there was a second baby on the way: “There is no other baby, but I feel like it.”