* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The full moon of April has stood out as a beacon of spring coinciding with Easter, in this case, portrayed for Las Fotos de los Lectores of La Vanguardia in Vic.

The perspective of the image, captured from the field, allows us to appreciate the full moon shining above this group of houses in the capital of Osona.

The full moon in April is known as the Pink Moon or Pascual Moon, as it coincides with Easter. It is the first of spring, so it also marks the dates of Easter.

The reference to the “pink moon” does not refer to its color, but rather comes from Native American tradition associating it with the flowering of a North American native plant, pink moss or Phlox subulata, which blooms in shades of pink in spring.

There is also an explanation for why it looks so shiny. And it is that this full moon occurs at the closest moment between our natural satellite and planet Earth, so it appears larger and brighter.