This Good Friday the “stable” weather will continue throughout the country, with practically clear skies except for the presence of high clouds in areas of the northern third of the peninsula. Temperatures will be “clearly higher” than “normal” for this time of year and both minimum and maximum temperatures are expected to continue “generally rising”, according to the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

An Atlantic anticyclone is responsible for these sunny skies and temperatures more typical of June than early April. During the afternoon and Saturday, evolutionary cloudiness is expected to develop in mountainous areas of the northeast quadrant of the peninsula and in the Balearic Islands, which could give rise to some “isolated” showers in the eastern Pyrenees and south of the Iberian system.

The daytime ones will only descend in Valencia, Castellón and eastern Catalonia due to the “probable” formation of low clouds and the “greatest ascents” will take place in the northern third of the peninsula on Friday and in the southern third of the peninsula on Saturday, reaching 30 degrees. in points of the Guadalquivir valley.

In any case, they will be “clearly higher” than the “normal” for this time of year and only on the Mediterranean coast will the temperature values ​​be “similar to normal”.

In the Canary Islands, slightly cloudy skies are expected, with intervals of low clouds and cloudiness of daytime evolution in the islands of greater relief, without ruling out some weak showers and temperatures will remain “with few changes”, at values ​​”close to normal”. , according to Aemet.

“ The anticyclone will dominate the meteorological panorama and will act as a shield against the rains throughout the country. In addition, temperatures are going to rise, both the minimum and the maximum”, according to Rubén del Campo, spokesman for the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), in statements collected by Servimedia this Thursday.

Del Campo added that, “although it will continue to be somewhat cold in the early hours of the morning, the frosts will practically disappear and the environment will be mild at noon, with more than 20 degrees in most of the territory.” “Therefore, you will have to wrap up well in the early hours, but then there will be plenty of layers,” he stressed.

“Starting on Good Friday and during the following days, although the minimum temperatures will generally be normal for the time of year, the maximum will be between 5 and 10 degrees above normal in most of the country. And this stable weather will continue through the first days of next week, ”he summarized.

In general, an atmosphere more typical of the end of spring will predominate, since this weekend temperatures more typical of the beginning of June are expected in Murcia (30 degrees); Ciudad Real, Granada and Toledo (29); Jaén (28) and Huelva (27).

Next week will begin with a similar situation both on Monday and Tuesday, that is, with anticyclonic and stable weather throughout Spain and a practically total absence of precipitation, although some drizzle or light rain cannot be ruled out in the extreme north of the peninsula. In addition, the warm environment for the time of year will continue, especially in the south of the peninsula.

As for the Canary Islands, the skies will be slightly cloudy at least until Saturday, with some intervals of clouds in the north of the most mountainous islands and possible isolated drizzles.