The Junts candidate for mayor of Barcelona for the municipal elections on May 28, Xavier Trias, has closed an agreement with the PDeCAT for the municipal elections, as he himself advanced in an interview with Europa Press and was able to confirm the ACN.

Trias had been in talks with David Bonvehí’s party for months to define his fit in his candidacy to run for mayor in Ada Colau. From the Trias team they assure that next week he will explain the agreement he has with the PDeCAT and “more games”.

In Junts they gave Trias carte blanche to configure their electoral list, although at the beginning of last week they remarked that at the moment they have not made any electoral coalition with the PDeCAT in Catalonia.

In fact, Bonvehí had already practically ruled out a coalition at the beginning of March and asked that the people of his space could feel “identified” with the Trias list.

After Junts and PDeCAT broke up in 2020, Trias stayed for a while in this second formation and it was not until the fall of 2022 that he broke his card, just before accepting Junts’ offer to top the list for Barcelona.