King Juan Carlos, the Infanta Elena and Felipe de Marichalar (better known as Froilán) have spent Holy Week together and this same Sunday they attended a mass at the Abu Dhabi Abrahamic Center, a space where the Catholic religions coexist , Judaic and Islamic. The digital medium exclusively publishes the images of King Juan Carlos with his daughter and his eldest grandson at the gates of the aforementioned center.

The Infanta Elena, who was already in Abu Dhabi last January to help her son Felipe settle in the emirate, returned last week to be present at the mass that King Juan Carlos offered on April 1 in memory of of his father, Don Juan de Borbón, whose death had been thirty years. Coinciding with the beginning of Holy Week, Elena de Borbón has extended her stay in the emirate at a time that she has shared with her father and her son.

In the images published by, a digital medium founded by Fernando Ónega and aimed at senior citizens, Juan Carlos can be seen looking better than the one he offered in his last public appearance in Athens, last January. Dressed in beige pants, a white shirt without a tie and a blue jacket for her husband, he gives his daughter Elena his arm, with a white shirt and pants and a stone-colored shirt, while Felipe dresses the same as his grandfather, although with a light blue shirt

As reported by, the Abrahamic Center is “a place for learning, dialogue and the practice of faith located in the Saadiyat Cultural District in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), which invites coexistence and tolerance, and to serve as a platform for understanding, mutual knowledge and coexistence between religions”.

The son of the Infanta Elena and Jaime de Marichalar settled in the emirate last January in order to start working and have a life away from the media spotlight and the controversies that have accompanied him in recent months. He works at the state oil company ADNOC and lives in an apartment provided by the company.

During her stay in Abu Dhabi, the Infanta Elena has stayed in the house used by her father, King Juan Carlos, in the Al Bateen neighborhood. Last year, coinciding with Holy Week, King Juan Carlos received a visit from his daughters, Elena and Cristina, accompanied by their respective children. On that occasion, a photograph was provided in which Pablo Urdangarin’s legs were not visible, which led to suspicion in a montage. The matter was clarified with another image, this time complete, which showed that Pablo’s legs had been lost due to a chroma effect but that, evidently, the family had been together.