Isabel Díaz Ayuso has started the electoral race of the 28-M elections, undisguisedly launching herself for Vox voters as an unavoidable battle to opt for an absolute majority and get rid of the parliamentary balances that have weighed down the project of the PP in Madrid in the current legislature.

And for this, it has announced a new tax reduction, of another half a point, in all sections of the personal income tax in the following legislature. A measure that the Madrid government has not been able to carry out in the legislature that now ends after the vote against that the ultranationalist party granted to the 2023 budget project.

The Madrid PP figures the extra savings from this tax cut at 334 million. “Since I am president of the Community of Madrid, the people of Madrid have saved more than 23,000 million, which means 6,700 euros per taxpayer,” he continued.

Making an evaluative pause to emphasize his speech, Ayuso has addressed those “many Vox voters who know like me that this is about either Sánchez or Spain, and who know that we are right”, so that they return to the PP. He has invited all of them to his project “at the service of Madrid and Spain (…) A project that makes them feel at home; a common, open, happy, and dignified house, in which things work”, has emphasized.

And confronting the usual argument of the “cowardly right” used by Vox to have broken the alliance maintained by the two right-wings, Ayuso has defended that his government has “gave up all the battles” and, above all, it has “hit the when, where and how, without losing reason” because it is the way to prevent “the enemies of Spain and freedom from becoming stronger”, he has added as a direct dart to the ultranationalist spokesperson, Rocío Monasterio.

Ayuso has not forgotten, once again, the President of the Government, whom he has reestablished as his main electoral rival despite the fact that Pedro Sánchez does not appear in the 28M elections. And for this reason he has defended the economic boost that Madrid represents for the whole of Spain despite the fact that “the entire opposition wants to convince us that nothing works in the Community. That, and no other, is the political strategy of the entire opposition. And That and nothing else is what we are going to experience in the next 48 days, from La Moncloa, from Galapagar and from Cercedilla”.

As a novelty in his direct struggle with the Government, Ayuso has added to his list of objectives the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, whom he has accused of “creating poverty” and describes her as “the most ineffective vice president of the history of Spain”.

Ayuso has slipped that Díaz has dedicated himself “to manufacturing a reality that does not exist by changing the way of counting unemployed and contracts.” “53% of the contracts signed in March were permanent, discontinuous or part-time. In other words, temporary employment. That is creating poverty,” he said.

In this sense, he has censured that they do not promote “structural reforms in a country where this debt and the demographic winter are going to jeopardize the maintenance of the public system.”

The president of the Community of Madrid has relied on the national leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for her staging, who has acted as master of ceremonies at an informative breakfast that both have taken advantage of to extend a new firewall in the face of possible suspicions about the differences that one and the other could reissue in the campaign once the turbulent 2022 experienced in the Genoa party was over.

Feijóo has used, for this, the Galician retranca to present Ayuso as “the maximum exponent of one of the two souls, the moderate, of the PP”, as well as the “firm and only candidate of the popular ones who aspires to govern alone after the elections”. “And for this reason”, he ironized, he had to “measure his words so as not to hurt sensibilities by satisfying some and irritating others”.

The national leader of the PP, in addition, has endorsed the victimist argument used by Ayuso to directly confront the central government and has praised his achievements in the face of the “unjustifiable institutional siege that he has suffered”.