The life of Fernando Sánchez Dragó, who died this Monday at the age of 86 of a heart attack at his home in Castilfrío de la Sierra (Soria), has not been without controversy. And not only because of his controversial comments on feminism or because of his opinions on certain positions or public figures. Also because of his intense sentimental life, because the writer has been married four times and until now had a relationship with Emma Nogueiro, only 30 years old.

Nogueiro and Sánchez Dragó met in September 2017, when she went to his house to do an interview for Vozpópuli, the newspaper where she worked. She jumped the spark from that moment: “Journalists are very boring sometimes. But she arrived and I saw that she, in addition to being smart and intelligent, was very hot. I didn’t think twice, I agreed to the interview and here we are four years later, ”she explained.

Both shared hobbies and political affinities. The writer was a supporter of Vox, like the young woman. He also had a passion for cats, bullfighting and writing.

They always made sure that the age difference was not a problem. The writer even puffed up his active sexual life, which he has always shown off. “I give you my word of honor, and once again they are going to give birth to me and they are going to eat me, and once again I refer to the testimony of others that I, for example, with my current girlfriend become 18, 20 or 22 orgasms in one sex session,” boasted the writer on the podcast What You Say.

Wedding bells rang between Nogueiro and Sánchez Dragó, although the news was denied by the journalist. “It seems that the hoax that I am going to get married circulates through the sinkholes of gossip journalism. I categorically deny this falsehood that has never crossed my mind and will not, among other things because I am already married, ”he tweeted.

Emma Nogueiro has not been the only woman in the life of Fernando Sánchez Dragó. The man from Madrid has been married up to four times. His first wife was Elvira, whom he married in prison. Another important woman in his life was Caterina. He later married the journalist Anna Grau. His last wife was the Japanese Naoko, mother of little Akela. Fernando was her father with her at the age of 75.

Fernando Sánchez Dragó has died at the age of 86 of a heart attack at his home in Castilfrío de la Sierra. The man from Madrid is the author of numerous novels such as Eldorado, The Sources of the Nile, The Way of the Heart, The Labyrinth Test (Planeta Award), Parallel Deaths (Fernando Lara Novel Award 2006) and Soseki, Immortal and Tiger; he is also the author of, among others, the essays Gárgoris and Habidis.

He was the Ondas Award with El mundo for montera and the National Award for the Promotion of Reading with Black on White. She directed the nightly news program of Telemadrid Diario de la noche. She currently directed Las Noches Blancas and was a columnist, reporter and regular byline in El Mundo.