The political controversy surrounding a TV3 parody of the Virgen del Rocío continues. This time it is the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, who, in reference to it, has simply called for “respect and consideration” in everything related to religious and ideological sentiments.

This is how Marlaska expressed himself when asked about the controversial sketch of the satirical program Està passant on Catalan regional television in which actress Judit Martín is seen dressed as the Virgen del Rocío imitating the Andalusian accent. A parody that has come to provoke the anger of the president of the Andalusian Junta, Juanma Moreno, or the leader of the Adelante Andalucía party, Teresa Rodríguez.

Although he has admitted not having seen the program, Grande-Marlaska has referred to it in a public appearance together with the delegate of the Government of Spain in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández, and the mayor of Granada, Francisco Cuenca. The minister chaired the preparatory meeting in the town for the Security Operational Plan for the European Summit to be held in October.

There he has pointed out to questions from journalists that he has not seen the images although, in any case, he has opined that “it is always important to respect” religious and ideological feelings and how each one understands life”, “whether they are shared or not” .

In this context, he has called for “respect and consideration” and, with respect to other areas, he has recalled that it will be the competent bodies that must determine if any conduct or action has any type of responsibility or significance from the legal point of view.

For his part, the Andalusian Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, has insisted on asking the Catalan Generalitat this Monday to guarantee that “attacks” on the Andalusians will not occur again as they supposed to his He has judged these images and has indicated that Radio Television of Andalusia (RTVA) is going to file a formal complaint with the Federation of Autonomous Radio and Television Organizations (Forta) for these images.