“We overestimate what we know and underestimate uncertainty,” warns researcher and financier Nassim Taleb in his essay The Black Swan, in which he argues that historical and socioeconomic events and innovations are “fundamentally unpredictable.” Black swans are improbable phenomena with major consequences, such as those of 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, or the pandemic. Although it is not possible to foresee these types of events, it is possible to prepare to better resist and learn to detect opportunities in adversity.

But, where to allocate the savings to protect yourself? In this new episode of the ‘Pocket’ podcast, the economist and author of Fer Diners (Making money), Teodor de Mas i Valls; the financial adviser and founder of Nextep Finance Víctor Alvargónzález, and Eloi Noya, director of Innovation at the Institute of Financial Studies (IEF) and author of Fintech: savings and investment in the digital age. The solution is to gain financial strength by diversifying your sources of income as much as possible and investing “in yourself.”

‘Pocket’ is a fortnightly podcast that offers information, experiences and advice to learn how to manage better in the complex world of domestic finances. You can also listen and subscribe to the “Pocket” podcast through audio platforms such as Spotify, iVoox, Podtail, Podimo, Google podcast or Apple Podcast.

If you want to contact La Vanguardia’s “Pocket” team to participate in future podcasts or suggest a question about finances of your interest, you can send an email to bolsillo@lavanguardia.es.