Have you ever wondered what the fine is for parking too close to a car? Everyone knows that parking on the street, far from the option of private parking, is a task that can be very frustrating. However, it is necessary to remember that there are laws and regulations on how to park correctly.

When the car is parked in battery, the driver must leave the necessary space so that both he and the companions can get back into the vehicle without problems. If parking is in line, the appropriate distance must be kept so that other cars can maneuver without problems both in front and behind.

Let’s go to the specific case of the municipal ordinances of Barcelona and Madrid. The Ciudad Condal Pedestrian Circulation Ordinance declares that vehicles must be placed within the perimeter marked on the pavement and prohibits parking in the event that the exit of other vehicles parked in a regulatory manner is obstructed.

The system in Madrid is very similar to that in Barcelona: cars must be kept parked within the area marked on the pavement and in such a way that it allows the entry and exit maneuvers of the rest of the vehicles.

There are times when parking badly can cause serious problems for other drivers. For example, the case of a young student who had to do a real contortionist maneuver to get to his car went viral. Something that simply should not be tolerated.

As it appears on the official website of the Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE), these are some of the most punished maneuvers, with a fine of 200 euros:

Minor fines amount to 80 euros. Among the maneuvers that can cost us that amount are those of not signaling the presence of a stopped vehicle or parking the vehicle leaving a lot of separation with the curb.