The emblematic modernist building of Can Roig, in Camprodon, has recovered its splendor. Built in 1920 as a second home for a doctor, the building was also used as a military hospital during the Civil War. From then on, its abandonment process accelerated, until it reached the ruinous image that it had offered in recent years.

“Many residents of the town no longer counted on seeing him recovered,” admits the mayor of Camprodon, Xavier Guitart, who is proud to have gotten rid of what had been a “slab” by the different municipal teams. “It has been the complicity of an entire town,” he says, and especially the “sensitivity” and full collaboration of the owner of the house.

This building, protected as a Cultural Asset of Local Interest (BCIL), is one of the modernist houses that remain in Camprodon and a clear example of the summer homes of the wealthy classes of the early 20th century that made this destination fashionable.

The tower was designed by the architect Simó Cordomí on behalf of Dr. Emerenciano Rojo, brother-in-law of Dr. Robert, an important figure in Camprodon.

The restoration has been carried out with a clear desire to recover its original aesthetics and after a research process. Thus, custom pieces have been commissioned from specialists to be able to reconstruct elements such as the stone stairway at the entrance, gargoyles, spitters or balusters. Another example is the glazed tiles with original colors and made by hand.

However, to get here there have been town planning procedures, two changes of ownership and different obstacles that left the restoration pending and without a schedule for long periods. “It was a pending issue for many years, all the mayors before me had worked on it and in my case, the stars aligned and it was my turn to unravel the issue”, details the mayor, who recognizes the efforts of the different teams government on this issue.

Having such an emblematic building of modernism in a dilapidated state was a bad letter of introduction for all those tourists and residents who came to Camprodón from the north side of the municipality. According to Guitart, “we had received many complaints from people, who also saw that it was a danger.” Thanks to the reform, he says, it has gone from “ruin to marvel” and every day they receive many demands to be able to see it inside.

A few days ago they held an open house with a large influx of public. “We have many elements of interest, but right now the most photographed and by far is Can Roig,” he says.

The next step will be to “fill the house with life”. A few days ago the City Council signed the contract with the property that makes the local administration the sole tenant with an annual price of 90,000 euros plus VAT for the next 20 years.

The consistory wants to sublet different spaces to interested entities and organizations. In total, there are four floors of about 120 m² per level and with open spaces that will have to be conditioned.

The first agreed space will be the first floor and another space for meetings that will serve as an extension of the CAP, right next door, and which has become too small. They are also clear that the top floor, the brightest, will house a municipal cultural project.