The awareness that consuming has to be in line with the fact that products, in addition to being beautiful, have to be clean and are beginning to be something normalized. The sustainability label is no longer useful, it is necessary to explain why a specific product is innovative and respectful of the environment. It tells its use value, but also the stories and values ​​behind its creation.

Debosc is a perfect example of those values ​​of sustainability and design sense that are here to stay. This firm of practical and minimalist products for the home are created in Anglès (Girona) by a family fascinated by wood, not in vain in the area where they traditionally live there have been companies that have worked from doors to pens or toothpicks. Even family names round out this wood-focused project.

The idea came from Lluís Bosch, the father, who managed to inspire his wife, Teia Roure, and his two daughters, Raquel and Eva. “I got my family together and explained my idea: that they had to be products using only wood, removable and sustainable, and most importantly, that making them was fun,” explains Bosch. Everything is designed by them, from the logo and image to the packaging or the web. His creation workshop is the garage of his house in this town of 5,000 inhabitants. They find inspiration in their day to day, for example, one of their simplest products is born from the need to find a support for the mobile phone to make a video call.

They created the first designs, always made of birch plywood, but distributing them in physical stores made them too expensive. They had a very well-designed website, but the products did not quite have visibility. The Amazon Handmade project and the pandemic got Debosc off the ground.

The fact that many of Debosc’s products are designed to create a practical workspace at home helped a lot during the covid lockdown. For its part, the Amazon Handmade channel is intended for artisans. 2,000 Spanish creators already sell handmade and customizable pieces, from furniture and accessories for the home to jewelry or natural cosmetics. It has a free mentoring program called despega for those who want to start a new online business or accelerate an existing one.

“Suddenly, orders from other countries began to arrive, especially from Germany and France. After two years, during the pandemic, demand practically tripled”, explains Bosch, who adds: “I don’t know about marketing, Amazon gives you visibility, the percentage of 12% that it takes, I consider it well spent. Without this we would not have reached where we have reached”.

The birch is of Scandinavian origin and is cut by local companies with numerical control machines. “We would love to use local wood. Here we have forests at the tip of the shovel, but we don’t do anything with them because the owners don’t find it profitable”. The Bosch-Roure family continues to enjoy design. Its catalog already has twenty pieces that are born by family consensus.