Just a couple of weeks ago, an exclusive came to light that quickly became a trending topic on social networks: Ana Obregón became a grandmother after a surrogate pregnancy process in the United States. The magazine HELLO! She was in charge of launching the images of the presenter leaving the hospital with the newborn, thus unleashing a debate on the networks.

This media ‘bombshell’ has caused more than one reporter to travel to Miami (USA) to investigate Obregón’s current situation, while numerous public figures reflect on the presenter’s decision from our country. This is the case of Jorge Javier Vázquez, who continues to analyze the controversy from the set of ‘Sálvame’, despite the fact that it is currently difficult to talk about it: “Right now, talking about Ana Obregón seems to me that it makes me more modest” says the presenter, concerned about his state of mental health.

After analyzing the steps of the presenter and actress in Miami, Jorge Javier Vázquez has made reference to her mental health, stating that “on a psychological level, she is confused.” Likewise, the Catalan states that he has the feeling that “we are witnessing a series of situations that do not conform at any time to a reality that has consistency” and hence the rejection that this issue generates in him.

As it is an illegal practice in Spain, Jorge Javier believes that the Obregón case will have to be analyzed in detail by the authorities: “They are going to have to make decisions because, if so many irregularities are being committed, what do you do? Do you let them pass?” asks the presenter to the ‘Save me’ team.

On the other hand, Alessandro Lequio, the baby’s grandfather, has highlighted the possible problems she would face in the United States, while Ana Obregón assures that everything is legal: “The girl was born in America and will have an American passport and double nationality. Legally she is my daughter and that’s how it appears in her passport. I’ll register her at the Spanish Consulate and then I can bring her home,” the actress made clear in ‘HELLO!’

Despite the presenter’s confidence in the legal process, she could encounter certain obstacles when returning to Spain. His spectacularization of the process could bring him problems, as indicated by the collaborator Kiko Hernández, who has made it clear that surrogacy agencies have strict laws: “Respecting contracts is sacred and in confidentiality makes what cannot be talked about”.

According to Hernández, an ordinary citizen tends to sign around ten contracts, a number that would increase in the case of a public figure who works in the media.