For Ukraine, the absolute priority in the war is to “destroy” the Russian air domain. For this reason, the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksii Reznikov, has personally conveyed to his Spanish counterpart, Margarita Robles, the interest that exists in Kyiv to increase its anti-aircraft systems, which includes combat aircraft. Once the shipment of tanks has been achieved – which will materialize in the next few days – the next demand is for fighters. But Ukraine is asking for the F-16 model, a plane that is not in the hangars of the Air Force. “What it does not have, Spain cannot give”, the minister replied.

This exchange of words occurred during the press conference after the working meeting held by those responsible for Defense from the headquarters of the Ministry with high-ranking officers of the Armed Forces. In this appointment, the aid provided by Spain to Ukraine since Russia invaded the country, more than a year ago, as well as the evolution of the war, has been analyzed.

The Ukrainian minister, who has been received with honours, in the Paseo de la Castellana has thanked at all times the donations from the Spanish Government. In particular, he has highlighted “the speed” with which Spain has reacted to the needs that have arisen on the ground during these months. He has highlighted that the Spanish government was the first to respond to the need for anti-aircraft batteries or electric generators to deal with the cuts —and the harsh winters. Reznikov has also revealed this Wednesday that Minister Robles mediated for Germany to authorize the shipment of Leopard to Ukraine by the allied countries.

Some tanks that “will be roaring with a Spanish accent”, in the words of Reznikov, before the end of the month. There are six that are part of the first consignment, which will travel to Ukraine along with 20 TOA (Armoured Caterpillar Transport) armored vehicles that will also be donated. The Leopards have been fine-tuned in Seville after having been stored in Zaragoza for years in a “lamentable state”, as Robles described it. The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, on his last visit to Ukraine, together with his counterpart, promised to send more cars of this type. Defense is already repairing the next four Leopards.

But the war continues—and most military experts agree that it will escalate. So the Ukrainian minister has listed in the Ministry what are the closest priorities. The first; anti-aircraft systems. “Everything they can include.” As a second priority, he has mentioned 155 and 105 caliber artillery —and the corresponding ammunition—. And thirdly, he referred to the “technical assistance” that Spain can offer in the field of amphibious vehicles and landings, keys to guaranteeing security in the Black Sea and in maritime transport.

The minister wanted to make it clear that the absolute priority now, to “destroy” Russian rule, are anti-aircraft systems. “And, of course, a fighter is part of the anti-aircraft defense,” Reznikov specified when asked by journalists. Ukraine is very interested in fighter jets, the F-16. The Air Force has 141 fighters, but none of them is an F-16. For this reason, it has opted for an “international air coalition” —like the one created to send battle tanks— so that the dispatch of the fighters can materialize. “I am convinced that there will be a day when that air coalition is made. It is a matter of time, money and a political decision”, the minister has sentenced.