The mayor of the PP in Badalona (Barcelonès Nord) Xavier García Albiol has denounced the burning last night in five different areas of the city of cars, containers, a truck and even a residential building that has been affected by the flames. Specifically, there have been acts of vandalism in Tardor, Navata, Sant Ignasi de Loyola and Ignaci Iglesias streets. Albiol affirms that “crime in Badalona is completely out of control due to the extreme situation that the municipal government has caused in the Urban Police, which means that there is a total lack of police on the streets, which is added to the dismantling of special units, such as the ‘ Omega, who acted in the most conflictive situations”.

In the Lloreda neighborhood, the burning of a truck and two cars, according to reports by the leader of the PP, produced a strong explosion that the residents noticed in their homes and caused numerous damages in a store and on the façade of a building. García Albiol considers that “the residents have gone through tonight because of the lack of security that, unfortunately, affects all the neighborhoods of Badalona.”

According to the municipal government, the fires have occurred in three areas. As regards the patrols, there were the usual ones, both from the Urban Police and the Mossos. In fact, they point out that the Mossos d’Esquadra have identified the alleged perpetrator of the fires in the Progrés neighborhood, a 23-year-old man. The identified person had several lighters and cans of graffiti paint in his possession.