On a blue and sunny day, lying on your stomach in the air, rummaging through the shapes of the clouds, that’s when we’ve imagined the most faces.

Then, where we see more faces is Pedro Sánchez. You never know which Sánchez you will find. Rufián said. The last one, the one that shows harmony with the Italian Prime Minister, a friend of Vox: “I’m delighted to be here”. Two months earlier, in Davos, he said that it is necessary to prevent the ultra-right from reaching the institutions “and destroying the EU from within”. The European presidency is just around the corner. Social democracy in fallow.

But now we’ve discovered a third way to perceive faces: on maps. Where most of us see anticyclones and squalls accompanied by festive banners of warm or cold fronts, the Spanish-Venezuelan influencer Riquirrix has discovered a face for us in the relief of Spain. Sunken eyes, where the Mountain of Conca is; the beard, darkened thanks to the Sierra Morena, the Serra d’Andújar and the Hornachuelos and still Cáceres. The nasal wall, where Iglesias and Montero sniff zippers. It is a kind of Holy Shroud of biblical and Hispanic dimensions.

“Many people see Christ in it,” says Riquirrix. And he adds: “I wouldn’t be surprised at all because Spain is a very blessed country.” (With diaeresis, with diaeresis). The responses to his video say something else: there are those who catch El Quixote, Camarón, el Cid or John Wick. For posterity, this comment: “I see Marge Simpson’s chest: France is the head and the following European countries are the hair”. But the appearance of Messi wins hands down, a god (with an accent, with an accent) also for many.

Riquirrix is ​​not in the case of the Holy Week we spent with Our Lady of the Dew, because if he had known he would have swallowed the “blessed”. But you don’t need to worry. He will have far fewer headaches than if he had made humor about Jesus’ face. Five years ago, a judge in Jaén fined a young man 480 euros for a crime against religious feelings who posted a photomontage on Instagram with his face over that of the Christ of Amargor.

The anachronism and bitterness of the crime is obvious. Also the flogging in TV3’s Està passant. Humor must exceed limits. Today, however, it has too many margins. Seneca wrote to Lucilius that often the disease is not outside, but within us, and the longer it takes us to recognize that we are sick, the more difficult the cure will be.

In the meantime, go ahead. Millán Salcedo humorously derailed religion for many of us on New Year’s Eve in 90, when we saw him disguised as Sister Gasme on top of a bicycle without a seat.