The 28-M is at stake so that the policies initiated in 2015 by the government of Mayor Ada Colau can be completed. “I will strive to win the mayoralty and consolidate this model of the 21st century, of transformation”, he declared this Friday in the first session of the cycle “Objectiu Barcelona: 50 preguntas als candidats”, organized by Barcelona Global and La Vanguardia, which in the In the coming weeks, it will have the rest of the mayors.

The candidate for re-election of BComú has insisted that, in order to achieve this objective, a left-wing agreement is essential. “That we lead the mayor’s office – she stressed – is the only guarantee for a progressive government.” To answer a question about whether the Barcelona government will be affected by what happens in the general elections, Colau recalled that its formation whenever possible has led to agreements of this type in all administrations. In any case, she has indicated that the City Council “cannot be subordinated or conditioned to anything.”

The meeting, held at Casa Seat and led by Enric Sierra, deputy director of La Vanguardia, was opened by the president of Barcelona, ​​Global, Maite Barrera, who valued public-private collaboration. “This double vision enriches us -she has stated-, it makes us be creative when it comes to proposing solutions and seeking the complicity of civil society and its collaboration with the public”.

“We are the only political force that has a very clear model,” stressed Colau, who has defended the actions carried out in the two terms that she has been mayor in areas such as urban planning or mobility and which have been the subject of controversy. “I am running for a third and final term to complete these policies,” she stressed. And she has defended doing it hand in hand with both the PSC, with which she has governed, and with ERC, with whom she has agreed budgets.

“This is a clearly progressive city where the progressive forces have a large majority,” recalled the BComú candidate, who has once again criticized the departure of the Socialist mayor’s government. “I have been governing with Mr. (Jaume) Collboni and he marched in an incomprehensible way and I think frivolous; I defend the government that has been in place for four years ”, she lamented. “But the most surprising thing is that he has gone one step further,” she added. He has begun to deny what we have done together. I don’t. He is joining the theses of no to everything of Mr. (Xavier) Trias (Junts candidate), who says that he has come to dismantle our entire model ”.

For Colau there is only one possible urban model and she is proud of the one that BComú defends. “We want a city that is sustainable, healthy, for everyone, with as little inequality as possible, that gives quality of life and at the same time is attractive for economic activity”, she stated. “We need neighborhoods to be alive – she added -, where you can live and work”. This mixture is, from her point of view, the best attraction in Barcelona to attract professionals from other places, including international ones.

The superblocks, BComú’s stellar urban measure, are in tune, recalled the mayoress, with what is done in other European cities. “We have to reduce pollution, she tells us Europe – she has recalled. It is an unacceptable shame that there are levels that cause more than a thousand premature deaths a year. Just as we do not accept opening the tap and the water coming out brown, we cannot accept that the air, even if it cannot be seen, is also brown”.

Along the same lines, the common candidate considers that limiting the use of the car is positive. “They tell us that Barcelona is going very fast. I see it backwards,” she said. Barcelona leads so that the other administrations get their act together. And she has given several examples, from the improvements that are being made in Rodalies, which depend on the central government, to the plan for the construction of Parks

In any case, Colau recalled that “public space is limited” and “it makes no sense that road traffic, which accounts for 20% of mobility, occupies 60%”. In his opinion, the private vehicle must be able to circulate “but it cannot be the protagonist.” In this area, he has highlighted the fact that since 2015 municipal investment in public transport and the kilometers of bike lanes have doubled.

Regarding cruise ships, Colau pointed out that “not only do you have to know what they contribute, but also what expense they entail for the city; Unlimited growth has been raised. This is not possible”. He has also defended that they be charged the tourist tax. “But only with rates the problem is not solved -he has warned-; They do not give as much benefit to the city as is said, especially the 40% who are only a few hours in Barcelona”. And he has shown his “perplexity” with ERC, considering that the Republicans defend the tax and at the same time Lluís Salvadó, who is from this party, as president of the port is against it.

The mayoress has defended the housing policies promoted by the City Council that have led Barcelona, ​​she has emphasized, “to have the largest public park in Spain”. Regarding the reservation of 30% of the new promotions to affordable homes, she has said that it is a measure that requires time since since it came into effect, in December 2018, it has only produced about 120 apartments. “It is common sense to make private companies co-responsible for a basic necessity and it must be regulated”, she has defended herself and recalled that the promoters “can do business, they will pay off”.

Colau has defended the celebration of the Copa del América in 2024 because it is a type of event that has to do with what Barcelona is and its values. “We are a city of the sea, and it also promotes innovation”, he recalled and compared the event with the Winter Olympic Games, which his formation did not endorse. “They don’t make any sense,” she said, “we’re also in a drought and so are the Pyrenees.”

The mayor of BComú has also advocated for cultural investments such as the expansion of the MNAC. He has celebrated that Manuel Borja-Villel is going to lead it and has recalled the role played by the deputy mayor Jordí Martí -number two on his electoral list- to sign him. He has also valued the Liceu Mar, which will be built where the Imax building is now. A different case, he recalled, was that of the failed Hermitage, which he once again called a “speculative project in the middle of the port.”