Many times we find good photos on the internet, but its low resolution does not allow us to use it. Luckily, artificial intelligence has the solution. To access it, it is as simple as uploading the photo to a free application on the Internet.

This is the website, where you can find multiple models of artificial intelligence. The option to improve the resolution of photographs is called Latent-sr and allows images to be resized to obtain them at a higher quality than the initial one, maintaining the composition and harmony of details and textures.

To do so,’s artificial intelligence is powered by a series of NVIDIA T4 graphics processing units. These transformations take about 12 minutes to complete, although it obviously depends on the complexity of the photograph that we use in each case.

To use this website you do not need to register. It is as simple as entering it and dragging the photo that we want to modify to the box located on the left side of the screen. Once this is done, in the lower box of ‘Upscale Factor’ we can select the amount of resolution that we intend to increase.

Despite the fact that the default options are fully functional, the panel offers options so that the conversion meets exactly the resolution parameters that we demand in each case.

Once all the parameters are correct, all that remains is to touch the black ‘Submit’ button to start the process.

When the conversion process is finished, you can view the image in its new resolution by tapping on the result, as well as download it by selecting the ‘Download’ button that appears just below.