Three years after leaving television, Frank Cuesta returns to the small screen. In 2020, the most recognized adventurer – and controversial – in Spain closed a stage in his life and said goodbye to his program, Wild Frank. So, he decided to focus on the animal shelter that he is in charge of in Thailand. However, the latest information indicates that the man from León could star in a new program again.

“On a personal level, I don’t see myself doing more seasons of Wild Frank. I have discovered that I don’t want to do that anymore. I liked it and I had a good time, but it no longer fills me up,” Frank said around 2020, after announcing that there would be no more seasons of his own show. The adventurer was recording the program in Mediaset from 2010 to 2014 and in Discovery International, from 2014 to 2020, so he closed a long and important stage in his life.

However, after a breather, Cuesta has announced his return to the small screen with a self-produced program by Cristina Seguí, co-founder of Vox. “I am going to do a program, not like Frank from the jungle, but with the freshness that that format had,” he announced to El Confi TV. “I am going to do a pilot first and then 8 programs for a first season. In some way, it will be like a road trip, because we will change places,” he continued revealing.

The 51-year-old former tennis player has also explained what it has been like to work with the founder of the party led by Santiago Abascal. “With Cristina I have had a great time and apart from that we have had brutal chemistry. Suddenly, she was recording and I was having fun,” he expressed. According to the television, the program would have already started recording. “In principle, we will record in Spain and Thailand, and then the idea would be to expand to South Africa, Australia…”, he says, giving the odd detail.

Frank describes his new format as “fun, with the freshness and self-confidence of ‘Frank from the Jungle’ and with an educational point”. In addition, he assures that “the pilot we are doing is brutal, a joke.” On the other hand, he urges that “the whole family can sit down and watch it.” The herpetologist explains that the program is produced by himself, and plans to offer it to different media groups. “Whoever wants it or whoever is interested should buy it, and if I’m not going to put it on the internet, I don’t care”, he sentences the aforementioned medium.

In his last live on Twitch, the presenter has invited ElXocas to his new show, which suggests that there will still be surprise guests in this new format. “I want you to be the first cameo of the show that I’m going to do for television, so get ready, because if you don’t come, I’m going to look for you,” says Frank. For now, we will have to wait to find out more details about this new space.