For months, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has been asking Pedro Sánchez to apologize for the yes-yes-yes law, but now that the president of the Spanish Government has done so, in an interview with El Correo, the leader of the PP is not satisfied. To believe that the request for forgiveness is sincere, Feijóo demanded the resignation of the ministers responsible for the said law.

The president of the PP defended yesterday that the pardon that Sánchez is asking for is not the result of the thousand reductions in sentences for sexual aggressors, but that he did it “because the polls are close”. In addition, for Feijóo, the law was not a mistake, but “an act of unforgivable pride”. That is why Sánchez urges to take measures: “If he really wants to ask for forgiveness, let the ministers responsible for this nyap be fired”.

Feijóo has been fully involved in the 28-M pre-campaign and yesterday he was in Navarre, where he visited Pamplona, ​​Tudela and Cintruénigo. In front of the militants, Feijóo focused his intervention on what he considers to be wearing down Sánchez the most, which is the division and fights between the members of his Executive. “Now they govern in Spain apparently three parties, but really there are 20, because all those called Sumar are a group of remnants”, said the leader of the PP. “The fact that Spain needs 20 parties for a government proves that it is misgoverned”, he insisted. And he warned that if Sánchez wins again, he will agree with them again, even if he says no during the campaign.

For Feijóo, the result is in sight, and he summed it up with an example, alluding to Yolanda Díaz: “A vice-president who launches her party against the government of which she is a part and against the party that made her deputy “. Even in the future Housing law, Feijóo sees this division, because it will be approved “after five years of fighting”.

In contrast, the popular leader will present this week his own housing plan, “without populist or interventionist measures”, but based “on dialogue” and aimed at low, middle income and young people, those who have problems accessing a home”.

Being in Navarre, where the PP presents itself and not with UPN as usual, Feijóo made a special effort to defend the locality and the Constitution, and assured that he will not accept lessons from anyone, with reference to the regionalist party. In this sense, he defended that the Civil Guard of traffic does not leave Navarre, as the central government and Bildu have agreed. And he linked this fact with the Government’s refusal, as leader of the opposition, to visit the troops in Latvia, a fact that Feijóo considered a “partisan use of the State’s forces and security forces”, for ” appropriate them” or “give them over to their partners” as the Government claims to have done “with the Civil Guard and EH Bildu”.