Citizens will vote in favor of the reform of the law of the only yes is yes that the PSOE has promoted, with the acquiescence of the PP, and without the approval of its government partner, Unidas Podemos, which has proposed a different modification, together with ERC and EH Bildu, who will foreseeably come out ahead in Congress.

This was announced by the political spokesperson for Ciudadanos, Patricia Guasp, after the meeting of the executive committee held today in Madrid. “We were the first to say that this disastrous law had to be rectified,” explained Guasp, for whom the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, “has been trailing the demands” of Citizens in this matter.

In this sense, Guasp has confirmed that the Ciudadanos parliamentary group will put its seats “at the service of correcting” the regulations, which at the time were approved with the votes of the nine deputies that the party has in Congress. “We regret that it has taken so long to amend that fateful and bad law,” said Guasp.

Precisely, the decision to approve the law of only yes is yes, sponsored by the deputy spokesman, Edmundo Bal, and the deputy Sara Giménez, member of the Equality and Social Rights commission, was the one that triggered the distance between the first and the leader of the group, Inés Arrimadas, as a result of the unforeseen results of the law, which led to the reduction of sentences and the release of some convicted of sexual crimes.

In any case, now Ciudadanos wants to turn the page on that controversy, which materialized in the primary confrontation between Arrimadas and Bal, and recalls that his group has introduced amendments related to the protection of minors and amendments to the new parliamentary course of the law. to eradicate child prostitution.

But beyond supporting a legislative reform that aims to put an end to the trickle of sentence reviews that the law has fostered since its initial drafting, Guasp has insisted that the true rectification would occur if Sánchez, whom he sees “installed in the perpetual error”, dismisses his Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, who, in the opinion of Ciudadanos, should not continue “not one more day in the Government”.