Daniel Anglès will end his fifth season as head of the Teatro Condal having presented one hundred shows on the Paral·lel stage. The round figure will come with Un amor particular, a musical in Catalan that will premiere within the framework of the Grec festival.

With this production, the theater will have premiered 34 musicals in these five years, 26 of which have been in Catalan and 10 have been world premieres of Catalan authorship. El Condal, which belongs to the Focus group, thus becomes the home of the creation musical from Barcelona.

The text and lyrics of Un amor particular are by Jumon Erra, who also directs, and Daniela Feixas, and the authorship of the music as well as the musical direction are provided by Miquel Tejada. The musical tells a love story between a boy from the upper part of Barcelona and a girl from Raval, and will star Mara Jiménez and Xavier Navarro.

But before July, the Paral·lel stage has several productions programmed, which respond to “an eclectic program” and “a balance between risky shows and safe shows”, in the words of Anglès.

On May 7th the performances of Joan Pera with Júnior, by Joel Joan and Hèctor Claramunt will end. The play is about to reach 35,000 viewers and Anglès notes that “the average age of viewers has dropped significantly”.

It will then be the turn of Akelarre, from Les Feliuettes, a cabaret directed by Míriam Escurriola that vindicates the figure of women, with texts by Clàudia Cedó, Cristina Clemente, Xavi Morató, Mireia Giró, Gerard Sesé, The Feliuettes and Míriam Escurriola, and music by Clara Peya, Arnau Tordera, Ariadna Cabiró and Gerard Sesé (April 17 and 24).

On May 2, the show Alan will arrive in a single function, starring Ander Mataró, a transgender actor. The work, based on a real case, tells the story of a transsexual boy from Rubí who, after the transit process, took his own life. The date coincides with the World Day Against School Bullying.

The BGMC (Barcelona Gay Men’s Chorus) will perform at the Condal for the third consecutive season. On this occasion they will be accompanied every day by a queen, like Sharonne, Soraya or Natalia, among others. From May 10 to 14, the function on Saturday will coincide with the Eurovision Song Contest, which can be followed from the same theater.

From May 18 to 28 Harakiri returns, from Les Impuxibles, las hermanas Peya. Anglès has emphasized that in each season he has programmed dance, “because the wide opening of the Condal stage makes it optimal” for this discipline.

Las Niñas de Cádiz will perform from May 30 to June 4 with El viento salvaje, a crazy comedy reminiscent of Anglès, “beyond the danger of comparisons, to the early days of T de Teatre”.

Between this show and the Grec musical, the Count will carry out works to improve the technical part of the theatre. Anglès feels satisfied with his five years in charge of this room, “despite his failed premiere with the musical Fun home”, and right now he can’t see himself doing anything else.