The files of the PP in Madrid have hardly been settled for the previous regional campaign of 2021 and those related to 28-M have already begun. The Madrid Electoral Board has knocked down what it considers “propaganda” of the president of the Community of Madrid and PP candidate for re-election, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, for promoting voting by mail before the electoral campaign that begins on May 12 .

This is determined as a result of a complaint filed by the PSOE, advanced by ‘El Plural’, for the distribution of informative brochures in different municipalities of the Community of Madrid, specifically in Alcalá de Henares and in the city of Madrid, with ” obvious electoral purposes.

The brochures are made up of one side that shows a photo of Ayuso, accompanied by the candidate for mayor of each of the towns and the PP logo, along with the motto ‘Spain among all’. In addition, these pamphlets explain the procedure for voting by mail.

Given this, the Electoral Board considers that the prominent image of the candidates, together with the explanation of voting by mail, allows “visually associating both elements and implicitly understanding that it is a call to vote for that candidate.”

Even when voting is not explicitly requested, the inclusion of photography and the procedure for voting by correspondence allows, in his opinion, “to easily connect both aspects of advertising.” Thus, the Provincial Electoral Board considers that this implies an act of electoral propaganda “prohibited by article 53 of the LOREG and Instruction 3/2011 of the Central Electoral Board.”

Consequently, they agree to declare the denounced act “contrary to electoral regulations” and require the PP to proceed to remove the photographs of the candidates in the forms to promote voting by mail until the beginning of the electoral campaign.

It also warns offenders that “in the event of recidivism in their conduct contrary to electoral regulations, the corresponding disciplinary proceedings will be initiated.”