Everyone knows very well vitamin C, essential for healthy skin and the immune system, as well as vitamin A, B or D. But what about vitamin K? The great forgotten, despite its great benefits and being one of the most important for the well-being of the body. Above all, it will become one of the great allies of people over 50.

Providing good doses of vitamin K to the body is a simple task, since it will suffice to make some changes in the diet that one is used to following. The benefits that it entails will be tangible and the repercussion that it will have on the organism will acquire more and more importance as the years go by. Therefore, it will be worth paying special attention to this vitamin.

Vitamin K is a vitamin that is stored in small amounts in different parts of the body, such as the bones, brain, or liver. Its main form of absorption is through daily food. Although it can also be applied directly to the skin through certain cosmetic products that have it among their components.

Including foods in the diet that are rich in vitamin K will be essential for health, and, for this, it will be necessary to consume mainly green leafy vegetables, which have a greater presence of this vitamin. These are cabbage, beets, spinach, broccoli, chard, asparagus, cabbage, chives or endives, among others.

One of the main functions of vitamin K in the body has to do with blood clotting. This helps promote proper tissue development, protects bones, and keeps the heart healthy. Due to an improvement in the regulation of calcium levels found in the blood vessels, the risk of heart disease can be prevented much more efficiently. It also helps reduce the possibility of liver-related pathologies appearing.

As the body ages, the bones begin to weaken and the probability of suffering from certain diseases increases, especially those related to cardiovascular problems. That is why it is so important to include foods with vitamin K in the diet in the case of people over 50 years of age, when well-being begins to decline. In this way it will be possible to preserve the strength of the body and reduce these health risks as much as possible. That is, carry out healthy aging.