The calls from our mothers sometimes come at the worst moment and for the experienced and renowned journalist Almudena Ariza this phenomenon is no exception, since she had to deal with an inopportune attempt by her mother to speak to her in the middle of an interview in La Endurance.

David Broncano has launched his classic question about how many sexual relations Ariza has had in the last month, specifying the details: “Classic intercourse 1 point, petting, that you have ever seen out there in Malaysia…”, the comedian commented before the surprised face of your guest.

However, just as Broncano proceeded to explain what petting consists of, Almudena’s cell phone began to ring with an unequivocal person responsible: her mother. “She was my mother, I swear to you!” The journalist revealed with a laugh, making the audience and the presenter laugh.

“Mom, I’m live!” Almudena reminded her, to which the mother responded by saying goodbye in the most natural way: “Wow, bye-bye”, without giving David Broncano the option to interact with her to also ask if knew what the aforementioned petting was.

“I wanted to ask her if she had an approach to this question, if she could play it with her daughter,” commented Broncano, to which Almudena Ariza -guest of La Resistencia tonight- has been forceful: “The head explodes to my mother, how can you ask her that?

Finally, Broncano has resolved Almudena’s doubt, pointing out that “petting is any sexual relationship without penetration”, which is not the journalist’s style: “Oh no, I do it, I do it, otherwise, it’s not funny!” , has revealed to the applause and cheers of the always devoted public of La Resistencia.

The talk then turned to tantric sex, a discipline that Almudena Ariza does not find too interesting either, as she has confessed, while Broncano has revealed that she has “tried” it and “investigated” it without convincing her: “I don’t have time to that ”, the journalist has concluded.

Ariza, to answer about how many times she has had relationships in the last month, has assured that she goes “from zero to two or three times a week” when she meets her husband, Luis Valdés, to whom, as a climax to the sexual issue, she has decided send you a greeting and a kiss.