Two out of three Barcelona residents disagree with the supervillas project promoted by Ada Colau’s government or with the way it is being implemented. It can be seen from the results accumulated so far in the interactive on the municipal elections in Barcelona prepared by Public for La Vanguardia.

34.97% of users who responded to the questionnaire on La Vanguardia’s website are in favor of what has been the star project of the commons for this mandate, while 65.03% are against it or also the way it is being carried out.

After four weeks have passed since the launch of this participation forum, only 13.30% of users believe that the green areas of the Eixample will create crucial jobs for the city of the future. The districts of Horta-Guinardó, Sant Martí and Gràcia are the ones that largely share the statement that it is a project that could be described as a “scam” and that it mainly has a propaganda and ideological effect. In addition, 15.5% consider that the super-blocks of Colau generate counterproductive effects, such as the eviction of neighbors due to the increase in house prices.

Despite the strong rejection of supervillas, a third of Barcelona residents believe that it is necessary to work to reduce gas emissions, preserve green areas and boost public transport without forgetting the city’s commercial perspective. This opinion is more widespread among the inhabitants of Sants-Montjuïc and Gràcia. In the districts of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Eixample and les Corts, there is more dissatisfaction with the super-blocks, especially because they have been implemented without dialogue with the neighbors or taking into account their impact on other streets. In any case, one in four participants in this interactive (24.48%) believes that the measures to reduce pollution “are not sufficient or adequate” and that other structural measures must be adopted.

The questionnaire drawn up based on the opinions expressed by the candidates in the local elections of 28 May has also polled the opinion of Barcelona residents in relation to social exclusion and poverty. 40% of users agree that Barcelona must bet on an inclusive and friendly society to live in, but without losing sight of economic progress, understood as an instrument to guarantee social progress. This opinion rises to 51.13% among the inhabitants of Sarrià-Sant Gervasi. Also, one out of four participants in the survey (24.90%) is in favor of a comprehensive metropolitan area plan to be able to reverse the poverty situation.

6.80% affirm that large families are the most forgotten by public administrations in times of crisis and 22.75% agree with the statement that the involvement of the State is necessary to eradicate poverty with concrete measures, speeding up coverage of the minimum vital income, increasing public spending on childhood policies and guaranteeing equality in non-formal education”.