A few days after the start of the political campaign for the elections for governor of the State of Mexico, the contest has turned into a war of declarations between the two candidates to direct the course of the state.

The duel is centered between the leftist party, Movimiento de Reconstrucción Nacional (Morena), which governs the country, and the opposition, led by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), in power for more than 94 years in the State of Mexico.

This administration, one of the most important in the country and also the one facing the most problems, glimpses for the first time a change of government when the candidate for Morena, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, is favored in the polls. With slight margins of difference, consultants such as Covarrubias y Asociados, Mitofsky or Berumen, and more than 20 other companies, mark a difference that favors the Morena candidate by about 20 points.

However, the candidate of the alliance between the PRI, PAN, PRD and PANAL, Alejandra del Moral Vela, disdains the results of the polls, which she does not consider a perception of reality. The old resource of discrediting the rival that she uses so much in Mexico has not been long in coming in this campaign and issues such as corruption and the mistakes of the candidates have come to light for her rivals to add votes at the time of the election.

The State of Mexico, one of the administrations that decades ago was one of the most important and with the highest rates of progress, is now mired in poverty and insecurity. It leads the number of femicides in the country and a growing crime, and the response of the current governor, Alfredo del Mazo, has been ineffective. For this reason, the two favorite candidates have started their campaign with the issue of insecurity and unemployment as their priorities.

Delfina Gómez, candidate for Morena, the Labor Party and the Green Party, has promised that her government will not “rest until the State of Mexico is restored to security.” As she affirms, “as governor I will work tirelessly to restore security to the state,” mentioned the former Secretary of Education.

The Morena candidate indicated that the administration was abandoned for decades by previous governments, which she described as “neoliberals.” This situation, she said, has caused that today there are more than 300 robberies a day that affect citizens. For her part, Alejandra del Moral indicates that the safety of Mexicans will be her priority and she has promised that families will be able to live and develop their activities in peace and tranquility.

“In terms of security, I am not going to turn anywhere, because I am convinced that hugs do not work,” said the candidate in a critical tone, referring to the motto of the President of the Republic of “hugs and not bullets.”

Del Moral was on tour in Ecatepec, the most populous municipality in Mexico, where citizens are mired in extreme poverty and with few public services. There he presented actions to improve the supply of drinking water, roads, transportation and security, for the benefit of Ecatepean families.

For her part, Delfina Gómez was accompanying the residents of the municipalities of Tlalnepantla and Cuautitlán, where she continued with her security plan and promised to eradicate the problem that today turns the Social Readaptation Centers into crime schools and centers of criminal operation, from where many of the extortions are carried out. She specified that if she reaches the government, she will modernize and give timely attention to the 23 prisons that exist in the state.