The platform Save the Sínia de Calafell Park has reported the Circus Park project to the Antifraud Office. The collective, formed by three neighborhood associations of the municipality, considers that the City Council has favored the Raluy Legacy Circus so that it takes root in the municipality and has unjustifiably discriminated against other companies.

In addition, they point out that the Parc del Circ, projected in Sínia, will mean “spending” an initial 300,000 euros, as well as additional costs when the venue is operational. They consider that there are indications of embezzlement of public funds and corruption and they want Antifrau to clarify it.

The City Council, for its part, defends the legality of the process and urges residents to take the case to court if they suspect that a crime is being committed.

The Save the Parc de la Sínia movement denounces that the City Council has vetoed the presence of various circus companies in Calafell to favor only Raluy Legacy, and they point out that this discrimination has been based on a collaboration agreement that does not include any exclusivity clause .

In this sense, they present a report from the Catalan Competition Authority in which it is concluded that the City Council has acted legally but has not been “careful enough” in the principles of publicity, equal treatment, competition and competition.

The ACCO urges the consistory to replace direct agreements with procedures based on advertising and business merit contests in order to be able to choose based on the best proposal.

The platform also questions that the City Council plans an initial investment of 300,000 euros through a mixed contract without having drawn up a management and feasibility plan for the entire project, and the associated expenses in the future for which it maintains the site. , among others.

At the same time, the residents warn that the Parc de la Sínia is classified in the urban planning approach as key 3, which only allows constructions “that serve for a better deployment of the planned uses, as long as they do not occupy more than 5% of the surface.” from the area”.

For his part, the mayor of Calafell, Ramón Ferré, maintains that the relationship with Circ Raluy Legacy conforms to current regulations and highlights that the ACCO report thus endorses it, “since it only makes recommendations to replace direct awards with advertising processes”.

Ferré points out that the direct relationship with Raluy Legacy “is not illegal” and argues that it is the same procedure that the council uses to hire most cultural shows, “which the City Council always chooses without any competition because they are minor contracts.” At the same time, he defends the relationship with this company “because previously in Calafell others had acted that left the land and with unpaid electricity bills.”

Regarding the urban criticism for moving the Parc del Circ forward, the mayor rebuts the residents and ensures that the caravans that will be installed are mobile, so that they do not violate the regulations, and stresses that the site will be municipally managed: in no case a transfer of the land to the company”. In relation to the investment of 300,000 euros, he defends that it is to measure the space and assures that the City Council is about to finish a visibility plan for the circus school.

Ferré urges the residents to take the case directly to the courts if they consider that there are indications of a crime. Meanwhile, he celebrates that the initiative to make the park continues its course, with the expectation that the City Council and the company that won the museumization can soon sign and define exactly what the site will be based on the material provided by Raluy.

The intention is for the school to be in operation in the autumn and shortly after to open the museum, although Ferré admits that the municipal elections can modify these forecasts.