Dental care is a need for our dogs that we should not neglect. Just as we take them for a walk, brush their hair and cut their nails, it is essential to pay attention to their teeth and gums. Otherwise, not only will they have a dirty mouth and bad breath, but they will also suffer pain, infections and diseases, even leading to the loss of teeth.

When we do not frequently brush a dog’s teeth, tartar and bacterial plaques are formed, due to the accumulation of dirt in its mouth. As the situation worsens, the dog may suffer from gingivitis, that is, a periodontal disease in which the gums become inflamed and cause pain.

It is difficult to identify gum pain in your furry friend, since he obviously cannot express himself in words. You also won’t look at him with a limp like when he hurts his paw. So you should look at certain symptoms and signs to be able to detect gingivitis and go to the vet as soon as possible.

To prevent any condition in the dog’s oral health, such as gum pain and gingivitis, it is essential to brush its teeth often with specific products for this purpose. You can also give him dental hygiene treats, recreational bones, or natural cleansers like deer antler. It is also important to provide him with quality food.

Before the appearance of any symptoms or signs of pain in the mouth or gums by the dog, go to the vet. It may be enough to perform a deep cleaning, but in some cases it may be necessary to administer anti-inflammatories for pain, antibiotics if there is an infection, or the extraction of a tooth.