PP and Cs have met again in the Madrid City Council on the occasion of the Governing Board held this Thursday in Cibeles and, although the tension was notorious after the turncoat of several orange councilors to the popular ranks, both parties have maintained a minimum of “cordiality and cooperation” to the point of having taken “coffee and pastries” while debating the agenda.

This is, at least, the version given by the PP when pointing out that the meeting has been held as usual, rejecting changes in the government team for the remainder of the mandate.

On the other hand, the councilor has shed less light on the specific status that Ángel Niño and Pepe Aniorte will adopt, the two ex-ediles with government functions who have been signed by the PP before the end of the legislature: “In my opinion, the logical and It would be reasonable for them to become non-attached councillors”, Almeida pointed out, “although the decision”, the councilor added, “is in their hands”.

The condition of “non-attached” could satisfy Ciudadanos to try to make the last plenary session in Cibeles less traumatic than it already will be, although, at first, the orange formation proposed to claim the councilor’s act from both, as Aniorte and Niño made a commitment in 2019 by signing the ethical commitments of the party that they have ended up breaking.

Almeida assessed what happened at a press conference after the first meeting of his candidacy for May 28, the candidacy of “la alegría”, held at the party headquarters on Génova street and attended by the two councilors who have changed Cs for the PP on the eve of an election: The current delegate for Families, Equality and Social Welfare of the municipal coalition, Pepe Aniorte, and the head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ángel Niño.

This has been the second time that both have operated at the Genoa headquarters after the furtive visit that both made last Sunday morning to join the PP at a time when they guaranteed that there would be no presence of cameras and journalists.

It has not yet been made clear what role the two will play in the campaign. Even more so when it is known that their starting positions on Almeida’s lists will be lower than initially considered -Niño on 25 and Aniorte on 32-. Although Almeida has not missed the opportunity to “thank” both that they did not make it a “condition” to enter the popular list to do so in high starting positions. “The collaboration is total and absolute and it will be until the end of the mandate, I am sure”, Inmaculada Sanz concluded.

For his part, the delegate for Families, Equality and Social Welfare, Pepe Aniorte, promised this Tuesday from the branch commission to carry out his task until the end of his term.

“Regardless of whether or not I may be attached to a political group, the important thing is that my performance as delegated councilor and the team will continue to work until the end,” answered Aniorte. “My commitment is to be able to continue performing my task until the end of this mandate,” he insisted.