Joaquim Colomer has announced that he will be a candidate for the mayor’s office of Ripoll with a new formation called Som-hi Ripoll!, a brand that will go under the umbrella of Independents pel Ripollès, recently created.

There has been speculation about this issue for weeks since he became a non-attached councilor in February 2023. The mayor of Ripoll, Jordi Munell (Junts), expelled him due to loss of confidence and his former party colleagues in the Regional Council also left the team to force his resignation as president of the entity, a position he currently still holds.

In the next few days Colomer will present the names that will make up the list. It has only advanced that they are “known” people from the city, people who have been “working in the neighborhoods” for some time. As he explained, they have set themselves the objective of “returning Ripoll to the splendor it had years ago” and focuses on companies, health and housing as the main priorities.

Colomer, who was already part of Munell’s team as an independent, is committed to working “without the servitudes of political parties.” The Independents pel Ripollès brand became known a few days ago with names such as the current mayor of Planoles, David Verge, and the mayoress of Campdevànol, Dolors Cosa, among others.