The Government Delegation in Girona has started a plan to promote the social use of Catalan among its workers. The objective is to “raise awareness among all staff, improve their linguistic level and motivate them to be agents to increase the social use of the language”, highlights the Delegation.

The increase in the social use of Catalan is a “country priority”, underlines the Delegation, and one of the 20 objectives of the Generalitat de Girona set by the delegate, Laia Cañigueral. This document includes the most outstanding projects for the demarcation, which are worked on transversally and which, with the sum of all those promoted by the territorial services, makes the supply multiply.

The Catalan Promotion Plan in the Girona Delegation was born as a result of the diagnosis that confirms the decline in the use of the language. Not only in society in general, but also in the administration. Therefore, the Delegation has launched the initiative “as a containment action towards the current negative indicators”.

Based on this diagnosis, a driving group has been built, made up of members of the Common Services Management, the territorial head of Linguistic Policy and the delegate of the School of Public Administration in Girona. The director of the Center for Linguistic Standardization in Girona (Consortium for Linguistic Normalization) is also involved in the project.

This group has put in order the resources that it has available, and allocates it to the use of the language, and will take advantage of it to give more impetus, creating new lines of action for 2023. In addition, it will encourage these resources to be used and participated by the entire avoiding all kinds of discrimination, will coordinate actions to promote the language and will spread it.

The plan to promote Catalan wants to make all public workers of the Generalitat de Girona an active part as recipients of the actions that the driving group will propose, asking them for their personal involvement and encouraging them to make valuable contributions.