The 19th report carried out by the Federation of Associations for the Defense of Public Health (FADSP) since 2004 on the situation of health services in the autonomous communities makes clear the enormous differences that exist between regions, defeating the objective of equal health for all. Despite the fact that everything is computerized, the reality is that there is a delay in the data, which is why most of the data collected in this work correspond to 2022.

According to this report, based on the official data of each community in relation to financing, human resources, endowment, delays…, “the public health system has worsened globally” since 2004, especially with regard to Primary Care, that it continues “with intolerable waits, with insufficient resources, and with serious problems that make it very difficult for it to be the backbone of the health system. The same can be said of the lack of human resources or the deficit of hospital beds”, indicates this work.

Thus, according to this report, and after assessing different aspects, such as the number of beds, doctors, nurses, beds, operating rooms, days of waiting to receive care, pharmaceutical spending, financing, among others, the communities that obtain the most points in the assessment of its health services are Navarra, the Basque Country, Extremadura and Asturias. While those that are located at the bottom are the Canary Islands, Valencia, Murcia, and Andalusia.

In the middle are Aragon, Galicia, Castilla y León, La Rioja and Cantabria, with regular health services. And deficient: Balearic Islands, Castilla la Mancha, Catalonia and Madrid.

Regarding 2019, the evolution of the communities has been as follows:

Navarra, the Basque Country, Asturias and Murcia remain in the same position. Extremadura, Galicia, the Canary Islands, Cantabria and Catalonia have improved. And Castilla la Mancha, Aragon, Castilla y León, Andalusia, Valencia, La Rioja, the Balearic Islands and Madrid worsen.

“In summary, of the communities with left-wing governments, 30% improve their position, 20% remain the same and 50% worsen, while in those with right-wing governments their position improves by 20%, 20% maintain it and 60% % worsen. In the case of those governed by nationalists, 50% improve their position and the other 50% remain the same,” says the report