The medical union Amyts has denounced this Thursday the lack of complete equipment in the extra-hospital emergencies in the region with mannequins that pretended to be health professionals in the framework of a protest in front of the Vice Ministry of Health and headquarters of the Madrid Health Service (Sermas) in which has warned that the model of the Community of Madrid “is losing quality”.

“We ask for complete teams, there is no one left over here, planning and political courage are lacking,” recalled the general secretary of Amyts, Ángela Hernández, in protest at the lack of complete teams (doctor, nurse and orderly) in the model of extrahospital emergencies put launched by the Government of the Community.

“We have failed as a society because we have not been able to give a forceful response and stop the lack of complete teams in half the points” of extra-hospital emergencies, lamented Hernández, who stressed that the “quality care that we have come enjoying” to stay with “mannequins, with technology, with hollow words”.

In front of the Vice-Ministry building, at number 280 Paseo de la Castellana, the conveners have placed mannequins dressed in white coats and messages such as ‘PAC Soto del Real. I am a nurse with more than 244 hours on staff’, ‘PAC Campo Real. 3 nurses displaced from their position’ or ‘I am a nurse: they have taken away my permanent position won by opposition’.

This performance seeks to claim sufficient personnel at these 24-hour Primary Care points, following the decision of the regional Executive to transform the 37 Primary Care Emergency Services (SUAP) and the 40 Rural Care Services (SAR) that were operating before of the pandemic in Continuing Care Points.

In this way, support has been transferred to workers affected by the change in the conditions of workers who previously worked in the SAR and SUAP. Specifically, with the new model there will be 49 Continuing Care Points (PAC) with the presence of a doctor –39 of them former SARs and another ten where there used to be a SUAP– and 29 devices with continuous Nursing care. In this way, 27 of these last centers of Primary Care Emergency Services closed for more than two years would lose medical care.

According to data compiled by the SAR Platform, made up of workers from extra-hospital emergency centers, from Monday to Friday, there are 47 full services (doctor, orderly and nurse), but 19 of these centers do not have doctors. These centers without a doctor, during the weekends reach the figure of 29.

Likewise, during the protest, a tour of the different moments that have led to the implementation of the current model has been shown, a 14-second tour of a “devastating” chronology and of “suffering” for the workers “for months and months”.

During his speech, Ángel Bayo, PAC doctor and Amyts SAR manager, explained that the situation is “unsustainable” and has called for “a legal regulation” that guarantees complete work teams and recovers “normal care by building these new PACs with conditions analogous to those previously existing” and that ensure their proper functioning.

Along these lines, he also recalled the need for a Comprehensive Emergency and Emergency Plan for the Community of Madrid, “obsolete since 2007, which requires updating and active participation by all the agents that make up this healthcare field.”