The Alicante town of Alcoi finalizes the start of the trilogy of its Moors and Christians, festivals declared of International Tourist Interest, which this year will increase in number of participants since 15,000 people are expected, 500 more than in 2022, to be part of the parade de las Entradas, the first act of these patron saint festivities in honor of Saint George that will be held from April 22 to 24.

On April 22, Ticket Day, in the morning the Christians and in the afternoon the Moors will perform a show of imagination in a show in which the members of the 28 ‘filaes’ or comparsas are accompanied by dozens of bands of music, more than 10 ballet groups, platforms, unique floats and other elements that still remain secret.

There will be more than 20,000 locations that will be arranged along the parade route so that the public vibrates with some Tickets that represent the battle that the armies of King Jaume I and the Muslim leader Al-Azraq fought in the year 1276.

On Sunday, April 23, the day dedicated to the patron saint, Sant Jordi, will arrive, whose main acts are religious with the Procession of the Relic, in the morning, and the General Procession, in the afternoon, as more solemn moments in honor of Saint George. Martyr. This will be the day on which the figure of Sant Jordiet will appear, for the first time in the trilogy, a child chosen from among those presented by his ‘filaes’ to represent the patron saint.

The Alcoy festival will close on Monday, April 24, with Alardo Day, a day in which the participants will fire a total of 3,200 kilos of gunpowder, 200 more than in 2022, with their muzzleloading arquebuses (blunderbuss) at the guerrillas that will face both sides, both in the morning and in the afternoon.

These clashes, with noise and gunpowder very present, will have their moment of verbal battle in the staging of the embassies, Moorish in the morning and Christian in the afternoon, in which each side will present their reasons for accessing the Alcoyana fortress that , after being taken by the Mohammedans, will be recovered by the army of the Cross in the final fight.

This last day, at nightfall, the castle will be the center of attention during the act of the ‘Apparition’, in a spectacle of light, music and colour, lasting just 5 minutes, in which the Sant Jordiet will launch hundreds of arrows representing the patron’s intercession in the Christian victory in 1276.

This trilogy will be preceded by the first official act on Friday, April 21, with the Fiesta del Pasodoble, an act that the people of Alcoy take advantage of to honor the musicians with the interpretation of the festival anthem in the Plaza de España and the subsequent ‘Nit de l’Olla’, the last moment of parades still in street clothes.

This year, Alcoy will concentrate the work of 2,460 troops, double that of the last edition, who will ensure the safety of thousands of people who will be part of the events and the public. The device will be made up of 161 National Police agents each day, some of whom will also act as civilians and in peripheral areas; in addition to 113 Civil Guard troops per day with tasks of traffic, natural environment and distribution of gunpowder.

The city will also have 135 Local Police officers who will operate every day; 40 firefighters, with 9 vehicles; 86 from the Red Cross, with 11 vehicles; Works and Services operators; more than 80 Civil Protection volunteers; and a special device to deal with hospital emergencies with professionals from the area’s Health Area.

This Saturday the Alcoi Moors and Christians tickets return live on À Punt television. In the morning it will be the turn of the Christian entry from 10:45 am to 2:15 pm. In the afternoon, the retransmission of the blackberry entry will be from 5:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

With Ferran Cano and Reis Juan, À Punt Mèdia recalls the Christian entrance to the Moors and Christians festival in Alcoi. In the morning, the parade symbolizes the medieval concentration of Christian forces led by James I in defense of the town of Alcoi. With them will be the reporters: Rosa Porta, Carles Navarro, Berta Báidez and Ampa Caballero to offer all the details about the party at street level.

The purple entrance, in the afternoon, is the parade of the Muslim formations of the leader Al-Azraq, in memory of those who besieged the Villa. A massive celebration in honor of its patron saint, Sant Jordi, declared of international tourist interest.

This year’s technical coverage will have a staff of up to eleven cameras so as not to miss a single detail of the ticket show, capture the emotion and response of the public and the stars of the party: captains, ballets, special squads and all the stars of the party.

The great protagonist of the realization will be a drone, which will provide detailed aerial images of everything that happens in the square with spectacular plans for the development of the event.

In addition, at the end of the Informative Noticias Mediodía, in the after-hours À Punt has programmed the re-release of the chapter recorded in Alcoi of the program Treasures with History presented by Carolina Ferre.