There is a growing collective awareness regarding the importance of caring for the environment, not polluting and building more sustainable spaces for coexistence. After a stage where the car has been master of any urban planning, we are realizing that things must change.

Little by little, new urban models are appearing where the number one priority is to improve the quality of life of citizens, despite the fact that this implies reducing facilities for motorized traffic. With a simple video the Twitter account ‘Cycling Professor’ shows how effective this process can be.

Despite the fact that there are those who will not be able to do without the car, the goal should be for all the rest to find easy and comfortable options to get to their destination. Reducing the routes dedicated to private transport does not want to annoy the driver but encourage him to choose more sustainable alternatives.

It is in everyone’s hands to build cities where it is possible to enjoy decent well-being. To do so, it is important that each City Council provide the necessary infrastructures to its population so that choosing the pedals is not an effort. Remember, to the future you go by bicycle