Do you know why it doesn’t rain? Well, because the evil Doctor No moves the levers of an infernal machine to divert the clouds, while he caresses his cat, with the aim of ending humanity. Well, maybe it was another bad guy with the cat, but for that matter it’s the same: it’s not raining because they’re shooting at the clouds. Or something similar, similarly crazy, we want to say, but some people believe it. Many.

At what point, knowing the cattle, it occurred to Aemet to explain that in fifty countries mechanisms are being studied to artificially change the weather, just when we are thinking of showering with jugs. The Spanish Meteorological Agency did not say which countries it was, but it did elaborate on techniques such as planting hygroscopic or glaciogenic nuclei, sonic cannons… All this not out of malice, eh, but to increase rainfall by 10 % and 20%, that all adds up.

It is not necessary to be savvy to imagine what came next: some denied the existence of these techniques on the networks, others said yes, and the largest group, in short, had just found an explanation for the persistent drought. What part of it is for it to rain, and not vice versa, have we not understood? It also didn’t help that, having seen the mess, AEMET added that none of that is done here, but that already in 2016 it published an article about the so-called anti-rain planes, you know, those that supposedly sow the clouds to avoid precipitation.

If they wanted to clarify things, they failed, because Aemet declares itself not competent to know if it is done, but that it is not done, and that it also has no scientific foundation, that the chemtrails or airplane contrails prevent rain is a hoax and they have never said that it is true, and that what there are are experiments that do not quite work. The Twitter firmament was filled with photographs of contrails in the sky crossing each other, alone, in groups and crocheting as proof that someone is playing with time (any government? Elon Musk? The boy of the neighbors with their drones?).

It was also littered with insults (it’s Twitter, don’t forget) from conspiracy theorists, who insisted the truth is out there, to the point that scientists were forced to tweet back, clarifying that one thing is the truth. science and another James Bond. Luckily Irene Montero was acting in Congress and the spikes rained down on her. as usual.