Do you have questions about nutrition? Send them to us at, our nutritionist Aitor Sánchez will solve all your doubts.

Hello, I am writing to ask you about the green asparagus, could you tell me if it is excessive to eat them 3 to 5 times a week, being fresh between 3 and 5 asparagus and 1 of 250g canned. Drained, is that I like them a lot and I have a doubt. Thank you. (Andrés Cartes Parker. From Mallorca ????)

Hello Andres,

There is no problem in consuming asparagus with that frequency, nor any other vegetable in healthy adults. I would also like to clarify that although there are no problems with asparagus and that in this answer I am downplaying the importance of repeating the same vegetable, this would not happen in some vulnerable groups, such as babies or pregnant women. We have some examples of vegetables such as watercress, borage, chard or spinach, which accumulate a significant amount of nitrites in their leaves and which should be eaten in small portions or even avoided at these stages of life. I leave here the information from AESAN about it in case someone wants to go deeper into it.

If we reflect a little on these fears, we will realize that, for example, there are people who consume beer or cookies on a daily basis and that we accept such excessive consumption quite naturally. The funny thing is that many people write to our office to find out if they can eat fruits or vegetables with a certain frequency, but unhealthy foods always fall into that nebula of “moderation”.

Sometimes we think that repeating a food is not good for our health, but I insist that, for example, at breakfast there are people who eat the same thing for years of their lives, there would be no problem if we decided, for example, to eat tomato daily, or if We decided to always accompany our meals with carrot or zucchini sticks. I wish those were the concerns!

In addition, asparagus is usually a fairly seasonal vegetable that we find fresh in a very specific period of the year, enjoy it now that you can.

I am a 35-year-old man, who for 3 years due to personal problems I have been suffering from anxiety that generated moments in which I ate large amounts of food (especially sweets), which made me return immediately. Although little by little I am getting over it, these bad habits have caused me that today almost any meal I eat a day makes me feel bad, producing a lot of gas, burning, and the desire to return. While I am undergoing medical tests, they told me that it could be due to damage to the esophagus and/or stomach due to the acid from the vomit, or because now my stomach is not working properly. I was wondering if there is some kind of diet that can help me go so that I don’t feel so bad at all, and to be able to be without losing kilos or even gaining some weight, since this situation has made me thinner than I already am. for yes it was I would appreciate discretion and anonymity. Thanks and regards.

Both because of the current situation you have, which has been able to leave you with sequelae, and because of your career, I think it could be especially beneficial in your case for you to consult both a dietitian-nutritionist and a psychologist. In fact, there are many centers that work these two disciplines together.

While you are undergoing medical tests, I have to tell you that the suspicions that you have been told are very likely, indeed everything points to the fact that you may have damage to the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach from all those periods of vomiting, but we could not rule out that there are some problems derived from a possible aversion that you may have generated in the past, and that some foods in the present do not suit you at all, not only because of the digestive part, but also because of the relationship you have had with food all these years.

Answering to you about the type of diet, yes, there are different dietary strategies to work on digestive problems such as the ones you mention: cases of reflux, dyspepsia or poor digestion. Of course, there are also those to take care of that weight recovery that worries you. There, nutrition work will be necessary to give you a diet that is nutritionally dense and also energy-dense, combining it with good digestion and your individual tolerance.

We are undoubtedly facing a clinical case in which I strongly recommend that you go for a consultation.