Xavier Trias does not close the door on accepting the votes of the PP to be mayor of Barcelona. The Junts per Catalunya candidate pointed out this Friday at an informative breakfast organized by the Nueva Economía Fórum Tribuna Catalunya that he will not seek an agreement with the popular in the Catalan capital, but he would not reject their votes if they are offered to unseat Mayor Ada. Colau. “I’m not going to go with the PP, but if they give them [the votes] to me, I’ve never been opposed to giving me things,” he said.

The former mayor of Barcelona raises the elections on May 28 “to toss or toss” between him and the current mayoress. “I am the only one who assures that he will never govern with Ada Colau,” highlighted Trias, who has assured that he will invest the PSC candidate, Jaume Collboni, or the Esquerra Republicana candidate, Ernest Maragall, if they win the elections. But he has demanded that same exercise from them: if he wins, as several polls indicate, he expects to be invested. “I do this exercise: if the PSC or ERC win, I will make them mayors of Barcelona. If Colau wins, no. I do the exercise the other way around and if I win, how will it happen, I hope they make me mayor”, he highlighted.

In this sense, the post-convergent leader has made the maneuver of four years ago ugly to the commoners and the socialists, when Maragall came first and a pact between these two formations with Manuel Valls deprived him of being mayor. “Colau and the PSC should be ashamed for what they did so that Mr. Ernest Maragall is not mayor. “It is a shame, I hope that this time things like this do not happen,” he added.

In relation to his project for the city, Trias has promised to recover the 600 litter bins that Barcelona has lost, has reiterated that he will stop the connection of the tramway on the Diagonal and has proposed a great agreement of all the parties in terms of housing at 20 years view. “The only solution that I propose is a great agreement on housing, we cannot change policies every four years,” he assured. “You have to allocate a certain percentage of the budget to investments for affordable rent in collaboration between all and you have to stop demagogy so that things work,” he stressed.