The PP candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Daniel Sirera, presented this morning, one by one, the 40 people who will accompany him on the list for the municipal elections on May 28. Among them, the presence of Santi Fisas, historical politician of the PP, who was an MEP and precisely headed the list for the City Council in the 1999 elections, stands out.

Fisas joins as an independent, since he is currently the president of the Lliga Democràtica, and symbolically closes Sirera’s list, which also includes, as number 8, Tomás Ragué, also an independent and, like Fisas, from Catalanism moderate, in this case from Centrem, as well as being the secretary of the board of directors of the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona.

Sirera has stressed that Fisas is the “golden finish” of his candidacy and has praised the trajectory of the Catalan politician, who in 2019 distanced himself from the PP to approach the sectors of constitutionalist and non-independence Catalanism from the Lliga. “We are all responsible for him resigning,” assumed the PP mayor, who thanked Fisas for his “show of generosity” in being part of his list.

“Things will end well and if they do not end well, it is not the end,” Sirera has proclaimed, who hopes that the incorporations of Fisas and Ragué will be the beginning of a greater integration into the PP of figures from moderate Catalanism. Another signing from outside the PP is that of Jordi Obón, former Ciudadanos district councilor, who will go to number 27 on the PP list.

Fisas (Barcelona, ​​1948) was a councilor for the PP in the Barcelona City Council between 1999 and 2002 and a member of the European Parliament for a decade, from 2009 to 2019. In addition, he was Secretary of State for Sport (1998-1999) and Minister of Culture and Sports of the Community of Madrid (2003-2009).

To the already well-known names, with Juan Milián at number two and Àngels Esteller in third position, Sirera has added a long cast with which he has tried to represent the “plurality” of Barcelona’s citizens, making a list that combines continuity with the renewal and the experience with the illusion of the first time, as he highlighted in the presentation, held to the rhythm of People have the power, by Patti Smith, at the Grand Marina hotel in the port of Barcelona.