Yesterday morning, Marta Riesco turned the heart press of our country upside down by announcing that she was devastated after breaking up with her until then partner, Antonio David Flores on television.

In a short statement that she uploaded to her Instagram stories, the former collaborator of El Programa de Ana Rosa explained to her followers that the situation she was experiencing was not expected and she directly blamed her ex’s daughter, Rocío Flores: “I want to let everyone know that my relationship with Antonio David Flores has ended tonight. Rocío Flores I hope you are happy, you have already achieved what you wanted”.

Just a few minutes later, the communicator shared another image where you could see the suitcases packed and ready to travel because she was going back to the capital with her loved ones: “I need time to assimilate what I have experienced in the last hours. I will be fine for my family and for the people I know love me. I never thought that they would do something like that to me at the worst moment of my life.

Faced with the surprising news, hundreds of fans left comments of support on social networks for Riesco, since many truly believed in his genuine love for Rocío Carrasco’s ex and could not explain what could have happened between the pair of lovers so that everything it ended like this

Amid all the media hubbub, this morning a series of messages came to light that Marta Riesco’s mother allegedly left in some YouTube videos, as well as some comments that she would have written on social networks: “They threw her out on the street with the dog until three in the morning for recording a video. Rocío, last night, threw Marta out into the street. Who has she killed?”

As Marta Riesco explained through a story from her official account just a few minutes ago, it is a false account that uses the same name as her mother on social networks, Camila Chusa: “I just want to clarify that there is someone who He has pretended to be my mother through a forum and through a Youtube channel and it is totally false. Neither the one she writes is my mother nor what is said is true. According to the journalist, the information that the user gave in the comments on the video platform is completely false, although the details of her departure from her Malaga home are still unknown.