The truce in the Catalan prisons is maintained and their daily life has continued normally this Wednesday, as there were no protests from officials or blockades at the accesses. In this climate of relative tranquility, the focus has shifted to the demonstration that took place in Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona, ​​in front of the Palau de la Generalitat.

The family of Núria, the woman murdered on March 13 in the Mas d’Enric prison in Tarragona, has intervened in the event. One of the victim’s nephews, Pablo, spoke as a spokesperson, stating that the “first need” is for there to be “justice.”

In his speech, he lamented the lack of responsibility on the part of the Department of Justice. That is why the victim’s relatives have called for the “resignation or dismissal” of the current leadership. In particular, from the Minister of Justice, Gemma Ubasart, and the person in charge of Catalan prisons, Amand Calderó.

For his part. The Generalitat still does not accept the condition of the resignations demanded by the officials and urges the unions to sit down to negotiate. From Madrid, Pere Aragonès himself has ratified his “trust” in the counselor and her Justice team.

Likewise, the president has called on prison workers’ unions to “dialogue.” Furthermore, the same councilor has declared that they are not resigning out of “responsibility” and the “obligation” to manage this crisis, although it would be “easy” to do so.

On the other hand. The vice president of the Government, Laura Vilagrà, has also been open to talking to the unions. In an interview on La2 and Ràdio 4, before the demonstration, Vilagrà pointed out that “any cessation or change in the field of prisons has to be done after a debate and calmly.”

With respect to the demands for the resignation of senior Justice officials, the vice president has shown reluctance to do so without first “what has happened, what has failed and what responsibility must be assumed.” Likewise, she has stressed that it is “essential” and “absolutely key” that the unions sit down to dialogue with the Government to analyze the needs of the workers.

In the same interview, Vilagrà assured that: “I will be in Plaça Sant Jaume, I am available.” Consequently, after the protest, the union delegates entered the Palau de la Generalitat and met with her. “When people talk, they understand each other,” said the vice president.

However, in the face of Ubasart and Calderó’s refusal to resign, Núria’s nephew responded that “the brave thing is to recognize” some facts and “accept them.” On the contrary, he would be acting like a “coward.” “They have to leave their position, they cannot continue there, someone has to take responsibility for what has happened,” Pablo stressed in his speech.

Furthermore, the man stressed that everything that has happened is “very serious” and that in any other country in Europe “they would have already resigned.” Finally, he has denounced the “mismanagement” of the Justice leadership. However, the family will continue fighting to achieve their goal, and the nephew himself has assured that “they will not silence me, no one will silence me.”