Already definitively focused on the electoral campaign for the appointment with the municipal and regional polls on May 28 -yesterday in Doñana and Córdoba, today in Toledo, tomorrow in Úbeda (Jaén) and on Sunday in Fuenlabrada-, Pedro Sánchez tries to turn the uncomfortable page of the fracture in the coalition between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos for the reform of the law of only yes is yes, certified the day before in the vote of Congress, to make the flag of their government work – “our best guarantee it is our management”, he has assured – and to confront his policies with those of the Popular Party.

“The left manages the economy much better than the right,” Sánchez highlighted at the PSOE rally that he staged this Friday in Toledo. After the coronavirus pandemic, and in the midst of the war in Ukraine, the President of the Government has vindicated his management to “grow more than the main European economies and create jobs like never before, contain inflation better than our European colleagues and balance the accounts public”. Also to reform the public pension system and the labor market “with social peace and not with conflict”, as he recalled what happened in the past in Spain or Emmanuel Macron now suffers in France. “Yes, it is possible, it is what Spain is doing that we are leading the Socialists”, he highlighted.

The leader of the PSOE, however, has warned that “we are not going to talk about Spain doing well, because we know of the difficulties that many families suffer with inflation or inequality.” “We are not going to talk about economic miracles, because we already know what happened, that the majority ended up in jail,” he pointed out, referring to the governments of José María Aznar. “This is not about healers or televangelists, nor of course about the Apocalypse, which is what the right prophesies whenever it is in opposition,” he insisted, alluding to Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “This is about, plain and simple, that there is a government that defends what the majority thinks. That the left, when it governs, we manage the economy much better than the right, because we defend the general interest, and not the particular interest of those above ”, he defended. “That taboo is being broken,” he celebrated.

Sánchez has thus used his service record in the Government, with the revaluation of pensions in accordance with the CPI, the increase in the minimum interprofessional wage or the future Housing law and his plans to promote up to 93,000 affordable public rental apartments in Spain, despite for the PP to label him as “ghosted”. “They don’t give one, they don’t even get it right by chance. I don’t know who sold you the crystal ball, but if it’s under warranty, please return it because it’s impossible to get confused and make more mistakes than the right wing in the opposition ”, he ironized.

The President of the Government has celebrated the two pieces of news that arrived this Thursday from Brussels. “One, from the European Commission itself, acknowledging that this government complies with its reform sheet, and that is why we are the most advanced government in the execution of European funds”, he highlighted. The other piece of news, he added, “said that the Junta de Andalucía of the PP together with Vox was in breach of European legislation”, by trying to regularize illegal irrigation in the Doñana park. “That is the portrait of the Spanish right: isolated in Europe, entrenched in its arrogance and only with climate denialism and also with anti-Europeanism as allies of Vox’s extreme right,” he criticized. And he has once again demanded that the PP rectify, because “even though it has an absolute majority in the Andalusian Parliament, it has no legitimacy to take on a treasure such as Doñana.” “The future always gives reason to progress”, he has warned.

Once again in the absence of the president of Castilla-La Mancha, the socialist Emiliano García-Page (who on this occasion had a meeting in Brussels with the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira), the mayoress of Toledo, the socialist Milagros Tolón, has acted as hostess and opening act for Pedro Sánchez at the rally. “I feel very proud to receive the President of the Government of Spain. He is from whatever party he is, but if he is from mine, much better ”, Toulon assured. “We receive you with great satisfaction and open arms”, she has entertained Sánchez. And the leader of the PSOE, for his part, has shown his “pride” for all the regional presidents and socialist mayors, and has opted for the re-election of both Toulon and García-Page in the elections on May 28. In the case of García-Page, the only option that the Socialists see to revalidate the autonomous presidency in Castilla-La Mancha is to reissue the absolute majority that they have enjoyed since 2019, to block the way for the Popular Party with the extreme right of Vox . And this is how the president of the Toledo Provincial Council, Álvaro Gutiérrez, recalled it in the act, on the edge of the Tagus: “Either Emiliano García-Page or Paco Núñez with Vox, there are no other options.”