Meteocat is probably one of the most visited websites this week in Catalonia. Booksellers, authors and readers are more dependent on the sky than ever after the inclement weather last Sant Jordi, which caused abundant losses, both due to books damaged by water and having to cease activity for several hours. The fall of tents also injured four people. “It was a real nightmare. And that we weren’t the ones who suffered the most, because our stand resisted”, recalls Sofía Machain, head of communication at the Finestres bookstore.

As for the weather, nothing can be done beyond fixing the tents well and putting the specimens in a safe place. “A lesson that, without a doubt, we have all learned”, says Fernando Pelayo, from the Bernat bookstore. But what is in the hands of booksellers and publishers is to organize everything so that it is ready for the weekend. Opening boxes, preparing the copies that will be at the stands and finishing closing all the signatures are some of the most repeated tasks these days. “To all this we must add the tasks that are usually already done in the bookstore, which are not few. But blessed madness”, acknowledges the bookseller seconds before hanging up the insistent phone. “It hasn’t stopped ringing all morning,” says Montse Serrano, owner of the establishment, as she attends to a customer who asks her for advice on getting a novel for her friend.

La Neus, from Central on Carrer Mallorca, is just as busy answering e-mails and placing books that have just arrived in the store. He has learned to do this almost without looking at the shelf, since not a minute goes by without someone approaching to ask about the location of a copy. “Even if it’s noon, we’re full. The increase in people these days is noticeable. Many want to buy in advance to avoid crowds, which forces us to be at full capacity for days.”

Iolanda Batallé, head of Ona Pau Claris, shares the reflection. “It is more and more evident that Sant Jordi is a party that lasts ten days. The 23rd is a unique day in which the magic unfolds, but the days before are increasingly loaded with related activities, such as this Friday’s concert by the Malalletra band of writers. It is for this reason that many of us stop for a week or two the usual presentations in order to be able to focus and that everything goes well. We mustn’t forget that we play a lot, because these are the days when a third of the entire year’s turnover is achieved. Of course, we have to work so that the figures are just as good for the remaining 364 days”.

For everything to go smoothly this weekend, good management is “primary”, since “if it is not so, we would be doomed to failure”, insists Batallé, who explains that since the end of January he has been doing numbers and talking to authors for them to come and sign.

For his part, Eric del Arco, Documenta bookseller and president of the Booksellers Guild, confesses that “there are still the last boxes to arrive. Not wanting to ask for more, you end up cutting it short. But the positive part is that you realize it these days and you have room to make one last order”. Del Arco does not want anyone to be left without the book they are looking for, although this is not always so easy to foresee, and more so considering the influx of people expected this Sunday, as pointed out by the president of the Book Chamber, Patrici Tixis, in a press conference at the beginning of the month, in which he predicted that this 2023 will be “the best party in the history of this celebration”.

Del Arco is cautious and prefers not to decide, but he recognizes that “the feelings are very good, especially if we take into account that we are coming from a pandemic”. He points out that this edition is the one that, “in professional terms, there are more organized people and, surely, more stops”. But he asks that no one keep it. “We are not looking for quantity, but quality. That Sant Jordi has endless stands is not something that is sought after. All we want is for everything to go ahead and for us to end up exhausted, but happy. And it will surely be like this”, he concludes.