Two decades have passed since the debut of Los Serrano, a series that kept millions of viewers entertained week after week. This unique family captivated countless followers and recently, its protagonists have met again, which has generated a great movement on social networks.

The actors Fran Perea, Antonio Resines, Belén Rueda, Verónica Sánchez, Víctor Elías, Natalia Sánchez and Jorge Jurado met and relived moments full of hugs, smiles and memories. The best part of this reunion is that the followers themselves have been able to witness this tender scene.

During Telecinco’s special program to honor Los Serrano, the video clip of “One plus one is seven” was presented, the main theme of the series, for which Fran Perea and Víctor Elías gathered their co-stars. The most passionate viewers were able to watch this version of the song on YouTube.

The special program has received some criticism from fans of the series, since the main actors do not appear. Fortunately, they did have the opportunity to meet again to make the video clip, and Fran Perea and Víctor Elías have released unpublished images of that exciting moment through their personal Instagram accounts.

At 11:00 in the morning the special program began on Telecinco with the aim of analyzing the impact of the comedy that remained on the air until July 2008. The series ended after 147 episodes and eight seasons, achieving an average audience of 5,038 ,000 viewers (28.6% share).

The reality is that this long-awaited tribute has been very controversial after receiving a lot of criticism for the absence of the main cast, since only its director, Daniel Écija, and some influencers who gave their opinion on the series appear. Fortunately, we have been able to enjoy this tender reunion thanks to the video clip of Fran Perea and Despistaos.