The shouts of “Força Dharma” rang out last night at the Palau Sant Jordi to receive once again the veteran Companyia Elèctrica Dharma, the group that with the blow of the tenora sax has survived 50 years in the memory of fans and that last night celebrated the anniversary with a concert starring their greatest hits, probably the last of these dimensions, in which there was also room for songs from their latest work, Flamarada, a sign that the band still hasn’t seen its end.

The folk rock rhythm that characterizes it dominated the concert from the first moment, when the Toc de matinades was played by a group of grallers and timbalers who, together with the Tabalers de Sants, the Barcelona neighborhood where the group came from, descended through the Palau stairs to meet in front of the stage and start the performance. The party and the memory were mixed with the music and turned the evening into a celebration of Catalan popular culture with the presence of castellers, bastoners, diables and the cobla La Principal del Llobregat.

There was no lack of cries of “independence” either, while among the public there was a strong sovereignist political representation, among which were Quim Torra or Laura Borràs, as well as Jordi Turull, without forgetting the emotional appearance of Jordi Cuixart on stage to interpret the theme To resist is to win written by himself in prison.

But above all, the music loaded with the Dharma message sounded, led by the Fortuny brothers, who last night were accompanied in their performance by other artists, when they were not the ones who performed songs by their guests, as was the case with Maria del Mar Bonet y su Què volen aquesta gent the group from Pucelana that received the ovation of the night interpreting in Catalan the mythical 20th of April with which they put Sant Jordi on its feet. Quimi Portet or Sopa de Cabra and young artists such as Magalí Sare, Gemma Humet or the Tyets, authors of Coti x Coti where they link electronic music and sardana, also took the stage. A review of 50 years of history with classics such as La moixeranga del Titu that concluded with all of Sant Jordi chanting the iconic melodies Inana and, above all, La presó del rei de França, their anthem and that of a part of recent musical history and people of Catalonia