Google CEO Sundar Pichai warned of the danger of deploying artificial intelligence (AI) without supervision in an interview published on Sunday. In the line of improving and being the first in this AI long-distance race, the Google Research Brain team and DeepMind have joined forces to form a new group of leading research teams in this technology: Google Deep Mind.

“We see AI as the most important way to accomplish our mission,” said Google and Alphabet SEO Sundar Pichai in his latest blog post, breaking the news. “The pace of progress is now faster than ever. To ensure the bold and responsible development of general AI, we are creating a unit that will help us build more capable systems in a more secure and responsible way,” he adds.

“The research breakthroughs by the phenomenal teams at Brain and DeepMind laid much of the foundation for today’s AI industry, from Deep Reinforcement Learning to Transformers. The work we’re going to do now as part of this new combined unit will create the next wave of advances that will change the world”, highlighted the CEO of DeepMind, Demis Hassabis, in the note he shared with his employees.

As Bloomberg pointed out last Wednesday, Google workers said that the company is collecting information on erroneous data and other damage “to catch up with the great success of ChatGPT.” Thus, in order to reach the objectives and lead this race “as CEO of Google DeepMind,

Demis Hassabis will lead the development of our most capable and responsible AI overhead systems.” Pichai added on his blog that this research “will help drive the next generation of our products and services.”

Jeff Dean will assume the lofty role of Google’s chief scientist. That is, he “will serve as chief scientist for Google Research and Google DeepMind.” Although he will report everything to Pichai, he will work alongside Demis on this AI investigation. “He will spearhead our most critical and strategic AI-related technical projects, the first of which will be a series of powerful, multimodal AI models,” concludes Pichai.

“I am looking forward to working closely with Eli Collins, who will join my leadership team as Vice President of Product, and Zoubin Ghahramani, who will join the research leadership team reporting to Koray Kavukcuoglu,” Hassabis said in your statement.

“We are also creating a new Scientific Board for Google DeepMind to oversee the progress of the research and the direction of the unit, which will be led by Koray and will have representatives from all the organizations,” he added, noting that in the coming days will finish perfecting the organization of this new and ambitious Google DeepMind.